Search Results for: node

DataBits Newsletter, Fall 2011

…the new science of networks. In it, Barábasi describes “scale-free networks” in which “hubs” naturally emerge to efficiently link the many nodes that develop in a context of self-organizing complexity….

Develop an LTER NIS Best Practices for Designing and Writing Workflow Scripts in the PASTA Framework. February 20 – 27, 2012.

…for accessing data in the NIS with R, Matlab, and Kepler:  PASTAprog – generating R, Matlab, SPSS programs based on EML. Extensive documentation may be found here:…

LTERMapS Phase 2

…Language (EML) documents to display study site location data for LTER datasets. The base data layers were identified in the 2007 GIS Working Group GIS Recommendations for LTER Sites (….

Scenarios of Landscape Change: America’s Forest Future

…2, 2011. Thomas A. Spies, USDA Forest Service, H.J. Andrews LTER and David R. Foster, Harvard University, Harvard LTER A vision for LTER Research Contribution to Society See also…

Use of a tower network…

NSF Forum: Understanding Climate Change Through Long-Term Ecological Research March 2, 2011. Marcy Litvak, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, Sevilleta LTER See also…