The annual LTER Mini-Symposium was held Friday, February 21, 2014 at the National Science Foundation in Arlington, VA. The annual mini-symposium is a forum where LTER scientists share with colleagues from federal and non-government agencies, professional societies, and private organizations in Washington, D.C., the vision, relevance, and broader impacts of the scientific research undertaken by the Network.
The theme of this year’s forum, “Scenarios and Ecosystem Forecasting,” addressed social and ecological change; ecosystem vulnerability, resilience and adaptability; and why long-term data are essential to understanding and predicting future responses to natural and human-caused environmental changes.
For a detailed list of the speakers and summaries of their presentations please see 2014 LTER Mini-symposium.
For a detailed agenda please visit NSF symposium addresses the long view of environmental change: Ecological scenarios.
The webcast and the subsequent individual recorded presentations are also listed in the following web event catalog as backup: Archive of 2014 LTER – NSF Mini-symposium.
Viewers will need Microsoft’s Silverlight Player plugin to watch this webcast. Most people already have the plugin installed on their computers, but there will be an installation link presented on the page for those who don’t. The direct link above is live for testing your browser plug-in in advance of the event.