CCE LTER’s Mark Ohman named AAAS Fellow

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the largest general science organization in the United States, has awarded the distinction of Fellow to Mark D. Ohman, the lead principal investigator of the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) site. A professor of biological oceanography at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Ohman was… Read more »

CCE’s Ohman and colleague explain the El Nino effect in NSF Discovery article

To celebrate World Oceans Day on June 8, the National Science Foundation (NSF) interviewed biological oceanographer Mark Ohman and physical oceanographer Dan Rudnick of California’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography about the El Niño effect. But is El Niño really on the horizon? Ohman is PI of the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) Long Term Ecological Research… Read more »