“Why STEM?” Teachers find answers in summer field work

Ask any teacher to identify their students’ favorite question. The answer is universal: “Why do I need to learn this?” The Research Experience for Teachers (RET) Program, funded through NSF and LTER, seeks to give teachers the tools to answer this question in ways that excite and engage their students.

Rot: The Afterlife of Trees

Mossy log with id tag

For artists participating in the multimedia exhibit “Rot: The Afterlife of Trees” at the Corvallis Arts Center, rotting trees are inspiration.

Andrews Forest LTER Receives $6.7M Grant from NSF

CORVALLIS, Ore. – Research and education at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, one of the nation’s premier ecological science sites, has received a six-year, $6.7 million grant from the National Science Foundation. Funds will support a new round of projects through the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program at the 16,000-acre Andrews forest in the Cascades… Read more »

LTER sites part of new regional climate hubs

The USDA recently announced the formation of regional climate hubs at seven locations across the United States in an initiative aimed at helping farmers, ranchers and rural communities cope with the effects of climate change. Three of these hubs are associated with Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network sites—the Jornada LTER in southern New Mexico,… Read more »