Quarterly updates from the Network Communications Office, distributed to all LTER participants, via the all-LTER list.

LTER at ESA, 2024

The LTER Network always has a strong presence at the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, and this year is no different. See our talks here.

LTER Network Orientation – September 29, 2021

Each year, scores of new students, staff members, and investigators join the LTER Network. They dive right in to working on their site-based research, but sometimes don’t discover — until much later — the array of resources, colleagues, and expertise that the Network offers. This brief (90-minute) network orientation session serves to introduce new LTER… Read more »

LTER Diversity Committee Hosts Community Building Seminars

May 11, 2021, Noon PT / 2 pm CT. Dr. Marta Berbés-Blázquez speaks on "Just Urban Futures"

One goal of the LTER Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee is to facilitate the formation of spaces for community-building among those of us who do not see our identities sufficiently represented in our professional spaces. The committee’s hope is that improving cross-site interactions can help LTER community members increase connections within their professional network, facilitate… Read more »

Meet our LTER Graduate Student Science Writers for 2021!

person in black baseball cap, writing in notebook

We are excited to announce our 2021 cohort of LTER grad student science writers. We received a high number of impressive applications, and after much deliberation we are happy to introduce seven students who represent sites from across the network and who bring unique backgrounds, experiences, and talents to the team. Over the next year… Read more »

LTER Graduate Student Spotlight: Marina Lauck

Marina Lauck of CAP LTER

This spotlight is part of an ongoing series featuring many of our LTER Network graduate student representatives who contribute valuable research and leadership across the network. To learn more about LTER graduate research, visit this page. Marina Lauck is a fourth year PhD candidate at Arizona State University and is the graduate student representative for… Read more »

Registration open for June NSF NEON Workshop


Registration is now open for an upcoming NSF NEON Workshop titled ‘Complex Landscapes at Scale: Integrating our Understanding of Managed and Unmanaged Lands at Regional to Continental Scales.’ Growing societal pressure for agriculture that is both productive and environmentally responsive creates opportunities to design crop and rangeland systems that better integrate with their wildland counterparts…. Read more »

2020 LTER Research Roundup

Now that 2021 is here, most of us are ready to put last year behind us for good. However, 2020 wasn’t all bad from an LTER standpoint. Dozens of impressive research articles from across the network were published in top journals. We featured many of these in our monthly newsletters, but we couldn’t get to… Read more »

LTER Grad Student Spotlight: Emilia Grzesik

Emilia and her field tech, Elliot, in the field sampling black spruce forest fuel loads at Bonanza Creek LTER in Alaska.

This spotlight is part of an ongoing series featuring many of our wonderful LTER Network graduate student representatives who contribute valuable research and leadership across the network. To learn more about graduate research in the LTER network, visit this page. Emilia Grzesik is a second year Master’s student at the University of Fairbanks, Alaska (near completion)… Read more »

Presenting at an upcoming meeting?

Will you be attending an upcoming scientific meeting? Want your colleagues to know when and where you are presenting? Please fill out the form below and the LTER Network Office will compile and share a list of all the LTER presentations at the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, the American Geophysical Union Annual Fall… Read more »