With over 40 years of continuous data collection across many biomes, the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network is a rich source of information for testing big-picture concepts about how ecosystems work. Luckily, the Network also brings together a group of scientists with creative ideas about how to wring new insights from diverse data sources.
The LTER synthesis working group process is designed to capitalize on the experiments, contextual knowledge, data, and creativity of the LTER Network. By funding small groups of scientists from inside and outside the Network to work intensely together on a synthesis project, the process encourages the ecological community to use existing data to probe novel theories, test generality, and search for gaps in our understanding.
The active Synthesis Working Groups are listed below.
For more about synthesis at the LTER, including our proposal process, see the synthesis homepage or follow the quick links below.
Current Working Groups
Consumer Absence Generates Ecological Dissimilarity (CAGED)
Consumer Absence Generates Ecological Dissimilarity (CAGED): A cross-ecosystem synthesis exploring the consequences of consumer loss on community variability
Consumers are disappearing from ecosystems across the globe, the effects of which influence how the remaining community looks and functions. Recent case studies suggest that consumer loss leads to increased community variability across space. However, it remains unknown if this is a general pattern shared across ecosystems, regions, and taxa. This working group will capitalize on existing data from consumer-exclusion experiments that are common in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems to evaluate how consumer loss influences community variability across space (i.e., dissimilarity in community composition). The project will combine seventy-five exclusion experiment datasets from studies at LTERs, the Grazing Exclosure Database, and other ecosystems (e.g., aquatic, forests). Understanding how consumer loss affects community variability is integral to conservation and management and predicting how an ecosystem will provide services and respond to global change.View all Working Groups