Poster: Kelp Forests as Sentinels of Ecosystem Change

Kelp forests as sentinels of ecosystem change? 2014-2015 heatwaves offer a test.

Dan Reed, Libe Washburn, Andrew Rassweiler, Robert Miller, Tom Bell and Shannon Harrer

Santa Barbara Coastal LTER, Marine Science Institute, University of California Santa Barbara

Poster presented at NSF-LTER Symposium, March 21, 2017

Presentation: Climate Resilient Coasts (McGlathery)

Coastal habitats are the first line of defense against sea-level rise and storms. At the same time, they are vulnerable to change, and can be pushed past tipping points and lost. A long-term, landscape-scale experiment with seagrass at Virginia Coast Reserve LTER is the first of its kind to show the role of restoration in reinstating ecosystem services, particularly ‘blue carbon’ sequestration.