2018.02.08 Executive Board Meeting Notes

Discussion Topics: Affiliate site status, NSF-LTER Symposium, 2018 Science Council,  2018 All Scientists Meeting update, committee reports

2017.12.20 Executive Board Meeting notes

Discussion Items for December 20, 2017 Meeting Sexual Harassment Policies (10 minutes) Science Council 2018 (20 minutes) Date: May 15-18 at NTL Recruiting suggestions for program committee We discussed many possible changes to the structure of this meeting at this year’s science council. (bringing data , setting up working groups before the meeting, defining who… Read more »

LTER Network Bylaws-2017 revisions

Network bylaws were revised at the 2017 Science Council Meeting to include the Director of the Network Communications Office as a voting member of the Executive Board and the Director of the Environmental Data Initiative as an ex officio member of the Executive Board.