Presentation: Climate Resilient Coasts (McGlathery)

Coastal habitats are the first line of defense against sea-level rise and storms. At the same time, they are vulnerable to change, and can be pushed past tipping points and lost. A long-term, landscape-scale experiment with seagrass at Virginia Coast Reserve LTER is the first of its kind to show the role of restoration in reinstating ecosystem services, particularly ‘blue carbon’ sequestration.

Forest NPP: Examining spatial and temporal heterogeneity within the LTER Network

Forest NPP: Examining spatial and temporal heterogeneity within the LTER Network – Mark E. Harmon (AND), John Battles (HBR), Audrey Barker Plotkin (HFR), Jim Clark (CWT), Grizelle González (LUQ), Michelle Mack (BNZ)     Scott Ollinger (HBR, HFR), Roger Ruess (BNZ), and Jonathan Thompson (HFR) 

The Changing Nature of Trophic Cascades at High Latitudes

The Changing Nature of Trophic Cascades at High Latitudes – Roger Ruess, Knut Kielland, John Bryant, Todd Brinkman, and Graduate Students, University of Alaska (BNZ LTER), Tom Paragi, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Laura Gough, Texas Arlington (ARC LTER)