At the helm of ChANGE: driving forward a new experiment

For me, it’s essential to have some childish fun in the field. It lets me reconnect with the curiosity and delight that originally sparked my love of nature, whether that’s chasing down a cute lizard, bringing hordes of candy into the field, or driving a big cool military tanker.

A Meditation on Mosquitos

As I find myself in the dog days of an Alaskan summer – powerless to change my bug-infested situation – there is no choice but acceptance.

A Lotta Gelata in the California Current Ecosystem!

There are a multitude of reasons why gelatinous zooplankton pose an enticing scientific challenge. Dante Capone explores why the CCE LTER studies these creatures in a new SSALTER blog post.

The tall and short of it

Research from Dr. Robyn Zerebecki and collaborators demonstrates that intraspecific variation can have ecosystem-level consequences.