Finding the Data: Enhancing the Utility of the LTER Controlled Vocabulary
Principal Investigator(s):
Unfortunately, efficient and reliable searches are not currently possible because of eclectic application of keywords in LTER metadata. Most existing keywords are used by only a single LTER site, or worse yet, in only a single dataset, making them unsuitable for identifying data for cross-site syntheses. To address this problem, the LTER Information Management Committee (IMC) created a working group to help create a controlled vocabulary for use in LTER datasets (
Other Products:
1)LTER_Keywords_V0.9.xls - The final list consists of 640 keywords
2)Porter, J.H. 2010. A Controlled Vocabulary for LTER Datasets. LTER Databits Spring 2010.
3)Porter, J. H. 2006. Improving Data Queries through use of a Controlled Vocabulary. LTER Databits Spring 2006.
4)Porter, J.H. 2009. Developing a Controlled Vocabulary for LTER Data. LTER Databits Fall 2009.