1) Cushing, J.B., N.E. Kaplan, C. Laney, J. Mallett, K. Ramsey, K. Vanderbilt, L. Zeman, J. Gao, J. Kruger, C. Leroy, D.G. Milchunas, and E. Muldavin. 2008. Integrating Ecological Data: Notes from the Grasslands ANPP Data Integration Project. Proceedings of the 2008 Environmental Informational Management Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 10-11, 2008. Submitted
2) Vanderbilt, K., J.B. Cushing, C. Laney, C. Leroy, D.G. Milchunas, E. Muldavin, N.E. Kaplan, J. Mallett, K. Ramsey, L. Zeman, J. Gao, and J. Kruger. Grassland ANPP response to extreme events: a synthesis of ANPP data from North America, Africa, and China. 2008. In prep
Other products: Software:
3) Mallett, J., Cushing, J.B., N.E. Kaplan, C. Laney, , K. Ramsey, K. Vanderbilt, L. Zeman, J. Gao, J. Kruger, C. Leroy, D. Milchunas, and E. Muldavin. 2008. Specifik software is an interactive tool to build a species code table that cross-references site-specific species codes to the PLANTS species codes.
4) The GDI database, as of March 20, 2008, contained 113,500 distinct NPP observations from five sites, and was 73 MB in size, approx. 4,126,700 grams measured over 20 years in 1697 plots. It is now available upon request from Lee Zeman ( or Kristin Vanderbilt (, assuming the Jornada scientists will release it to the requester.
5) Kaplan, N.E., K. Vanderbilt, L. Zeman, Cushing, J.B., C. Laney, J. Mallett, K. Ramsey, J. Gao, J. Kruger, C. Leroy, D.G. Milchunas, and E. Muldavin. 2008. A Team Approach to Data Synthesis: The Playbook for Creating a Centralized, Dynamic, and Sustainable ANPP Database. LTER Regional Symposium, Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 11-12, 2008.
6) Cushing, J.B., J. Gao, N. Kaplan, J. Kruger, C. Laney, C. Leroy, K. Ramsey, K. Vanderbilt, L. Zeman, A. Knapp, D. Michunas, and E. Muldavin. 2007. Integrating LTER Grasslands ANPP Data: Lessons Learned, Poster presented at the LTER Information Managers Meeting, San Jose, CA.
Popular Press and Newsletters:
7) Ramsey, K. and N.E. Kaplan. 2008. Specifik, a Taxonomic Reference Tool to Support Synthesis of Vegetation Data. LTER Databits, Spring 2008. Vanderbilt, K. J.B. Cushing, N.E. Kaplan, J. Kruger, C. Laney, C. LeRoy, J. Mallett, D.G. Milchunas, E. Muldavin, K. Ramsey, L. Zeman. 2008. PositionIT magazine. Submitted.
- May 10, 2007 - May 11, 2007: ,
- June 5, 2007 - June 8, 2007: ,
- March 23, 2008 - March 25, 2008: ,
- Judith Cushing
- Nicole Kaplan
- Alan Knapp
- Judith Kruger
- Christine laney
- Carrie Leroy
- Daniel Milchunas
- Ken Ramsey
- Susan Stafford
- Lee Zeeman