Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) Urban (LTER) is seeking a post-doctoral scientist to join our research team. MSP LTER has a broad focus on understanding how urban nature interacts with human activities and infrastructure in influencing dynamics of urban aquatic systems. We seek an individual to join the MSP-LTER team in research to understand how urbanization, climate and management interact to influence aquatic ecosystem dynamics, water quality and human interactions with lakes and streams in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Specific research areas and projects will depend on alignment of the postdoc’s professional interests and expertise with LTER research. Examples include but are not limited to a) investigation of management, urbanization, and climate drivers of long term change in water quality, b) understanding influences of aquatic and terrestrial vegetation on aquatic element cycles, c) exploration of management and novel chemical or biological drivers of biogeochemical cycles in urban watersheds, and d) research to understand ecosystem services and disservices provided by lakes, ponds and wetlands under varied policy, management, and climate conditions.
The post doc will lead a combination of data synthesis and new research to advance understanding of urban lake and watershed responses to changing in climate, management and configuration of green and grey infrastructure in cities. The Twin Cities is home to thousands of lakes, ponds, and watersheds, and has a rich history of water-quality monitoring data collection and water management, so there are ample opportunities for comparative work. The position also will present opportunities for collaborations within the MSP LTER, as well for engaging with community partners and the wider LTER network. Up to two years of funding is available. Apply for Job ID 352692
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