Welcome to the LTER Network! Whether you are a new graduate student, an information manager, an education professional, or an experienced investigator with a new LTER site, you are joining a community of researchers with a rich history of ecological discovery and collaboration.

Here, you will find the information you need to navigate your first few weeks and months in the Network and to connect with resources and colleagues who can help you get a running start.
Information Sources
LTERNET.EDU is the Network web site, where you can find up-to-date information on other LTER Sites, personnel, synthesis efforts, Network organization and history, communications and diversity resources. For information on the Network Office, including staff responsibilities and contact information, visit the site profile page for the Network Office.
The LTER intranet houses a repository of historical documents, including meeting minutes, policies and bylaws, decadal reviews of the program, and key articles by and about the LTER Network, as well as rotation schedules for committee membership and meeting locations.

Committee meetings, Science Council and other network events are found on the LTER Network Calendar at https://lternet.edu/calendar/
The LTER image gallery is a collection of the best images from across the Network — accessible for use by the media, the National Science Foundation, the Network Office, and your colleagues at other sites.
You may also want to sign up for one or more of the LTER Newsletters, which include:
- LTER Network News: a monthly newsletter with network-wide updates and short, lively descriptions of current research across the Network.
- LTER Science Update: A compilation of recent stories and publications from the LTER Network, issued quarterly – most appropriate for external partners and former network members who want to stay in touch.
- DataBits: Published semi-annually, DataBits carries stories of interest to the broader information management community. To catch DataBits stories as they come out, subscribe to https://lternet.edu/story_types/databits/feed/
- LTER Opportunities: LTER-related job and fellowship opportunities, published monthly on the first of the month.
Directory and Mailing Lists
Whenever a new participant joins a site related to the LTER network, the local administrator or information manager sends the name, role, and email of the new participant to the Network Office, which adds them to the LTERHub. The individual researcher, student or staff member then receives an email asking them to sign into the Hub, where they can update their contact information, interests, and communication preferences. The Hub supplies information for the LTER directory and also allows users to follow (or unfollow) groups and topics of interest.
The LTER Network is in the process of transitioning from formal Mailman mailing lists to this more open and flexible approach to communication. During the transition period, key announcements will be sent through both channels.
Meetings. Every three years, the Network gathers at the All-Scientists’ Meeting, where we share progress, ideas, and best practices from across the Network.
The LTER Science Council Meeting, where the principal investigators manage Network business and plan new Network-wide science initiatives, takes place in the late spring each year, with location rotating among LTER sites.
In addition, the Network Office works to facilitate cross-Network connections at three major scientific meetings each year. Look for a list of LTER-related talks and posters a few weeks before the ESA, AGU, and Ocean Sciences Meetings.
For new information managers
LTER information managers meet in person once per year, usually in August, and hold a virtual watercooler gathering every month. Notes, agendas, project information, bylaws, and other information management resources are available on the information managers’ web site.
Notice of watercoolers and other information management related activities appears on the im listserv. Please contact Marty Downs at the Network Office or the current committee chair to join.
For new education/outreach managers
Education and outreach managers hold a monthly committee meeting on Zoom, where they exchange information on new programs and opportunities and hear from outside speakers about once per quarter. Related documents are housed on a shared google drive. Education and outreach managers also have access to a private Facebook group for sharing news and resources.
To join the education and outreach email list and access the google drive, please send an email to Marty Downs at the Network Office and to the current committee chair. To join the Facebook group, click the “request to join” button below the header image.
For new graduate students
Each LTER site has a graduate student representative — listed on the site profile page — who helps to coordinate a network of graduate students working at the site. Network-level resources include the student listserv and the graduate student Facebook group and a student Slack workspace.