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CAP LTER Postdoctoral Fellow

The Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research (CAP LTER) program seeks a postdoctoral research scientist to join the Scenarios and Futures research team at Arizona State University. The focus of research will be on scenario co-development and spatially explicit scenario modeling of urban change under possible alternate future scenarios. The postdoctoral fellow will play a key… Read more »

Presenting at the 2019 ESA Meeting? Tell us about it!

Will you be attending the 2019 Ecological Society of America Meeting? Want your colleagues to know when and where you are presenting? Please fill out the form below and the LTER Network Communications Office will compile and share a list of all the LTER presentations at the meeting. 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2012 summaries are… Read more »

LTER Code of Conduct

Long Term Ecological Research Network Code of Conduct The Long Term Ecological Research Network aims to foster the exchange of scientific ideas and research strategies, establish and renew collaborations, and build a diverse community of scientists. The LTER Network is committed to to providing a safe, productive and welcoming environment for all meeting participants and… Read more »

LTER Network News | April 2019

April 2019 LTER Network News is a forum for sharing news and activities from across the LTER Network. This is our water cooler. If you have personnel changes, new grants, cross-Network activities that might interest your LTER colleagues, please send them along to DECADAL REVIEW PROCESS The year 2020 is the 40th anniversary of… Read more »