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LTER Network Bibliography

For more than 40 years, the scientists, students, and staff of the Long Term Ecological Research Network have been observing, experimenting, analyzing and modeling the dynamics of ecosystems representing most major US biomes. They have produced over 24,000 papers, theses, and books. This search interface accesses the LTER Network Zotero group library (ID 2055673), which… Read more »

Rethinking Everglades restoration through synthesis science

Within the science and natural resource management fields, people often say what gets measured gets managed. But in a well studied ecosystem such as the Everglades, how do decades of scientific information get accurately translated into restoration plans? Through the use of synthesis science, researchers from the Florida Coastal Everglades LTER site compiled interdisciplinary data to evaluate… Read more »

Related Research Networks

Research networks offer a powerful way to scale the discoveries made in one location into broader, potentially more useful, insights about how our planet’s ecosystems operate. Which principles and relationships are universal and which apply only at a few sites — or within a particular biome? Without collecting comparable information across many sites, these are… Read more »


One major way that ecology advances is by comparing the functioning of ecological processes in similar systems that are subject to different starting conditions, drivers, or management approaches. The National Science Foundation and other agencies have made major investments in long-term ecological research networks, including LTER, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), Critical Zone Observatories (CZO),… Read more »

Both local and landscape biodiversity needed to maintain ecosystem services

It stands to reason that a diverse biota would support a diverse range of ecological functions — and the experimental evidence has borne that out at the scale of species and plots. But does the same relationship hold at the scale of communities and landscapes? A large group of researchers, led by former Cedar Creek LTER… Read more »

Early diagnosis: Spatial warning signs of ecological tipping points

Researchers at the North Temperate Lakes (NTL) LTER site have capitalized on the utility of Peter and Paul experimental lakes in northern Michigan in order to improve predictions of ecological tipping points in lake ecosystems. Their two-year study analyzes changes in the lakes’ spatial characteristics, and identifies statistical patterns in those characteristics as potential predictors of ecological… Read more »

Why smaller oysters? Maybe not Native American shellfishing

Five thousand years ago, Native Americans lived and thrived on Georgia’s coast. Shellfishing, especially the Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica), was a significant cultural practice of these coastal Natives Americans. Today, Georgia’s coast is peppered with oyster shell deposits from long-term native American consumption. While studying archaeological shell deposits on Georgia’s coast, researchers with the Georgia Coastal… Read more »