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LTER Network Principal Investigator History

All LTER Principal Investigator History as of March 14 2011

This list of the
lead principal investigators at each LTER site provides a historical
perspective on the development of the LTER program.

Andrews Experimental Forest (AND)

1980 – 1985 R. H. Waring (LPI), J. F. Franklin, K. Cummins

1986 – 1990 J. F. Franklin (LPI), S.V. Gregory, F. Swanson

1991 – 1996 F. J. Swanson (LPI), S.V. Gregory, M. Harmon, J. D. Lattin, D. Perry, P. Sollins, S. Stafford

1996 – 2002 F. J. Swanson (LPI), S. V. Gregory, M. E. Harmon (LPI mid-grant)