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DataBits Newsletter, Spring 2011

Welcome to the Spring 2011 issue of Databits! This “bumper” edition of our information management newsletter contains 20 interesting articles, from 16 authors, representing 12 LTER sites. This is a time of increasing change, with external funding agencies and people both internal and external to our network realizing the value of effective research data management…. Read more »

Communication Committee [on hiatus]

Two documents will inform the committee’s initial activities – the communication portion of the network’s Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) and the more expanded Network Strategic Communication Plan. Find the SIP at

One of the tasks of the committee will be to report on and recommend updates to the SIP’s communication section annually.

Water Connects All

NSF Forum: Understanding Climate Change Through Long-Term Ecological Research

March 2, 2011. Water Connects All:Climate Change and Mountain Hydrology in a Watershed Context

Anne Nolin, Oregon State University and HJ Andrews Long Term Ecological Research Site

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