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LTER Generic Slide Show

LTER Generic Slide Show – modified 1/06 by Bob Waide

Spring 2007 NISAC Committee Report

NISAC Meeting Report – 15-16 May 2007 Portland State University Portland, Oregon, Attendees: Barbara Benson (NTL), James Brunt (LNO), Don Henshaw (AND), Chuck Hopkinson (PIE), Alan Knapp (SGS/KNZ), Bill Michener (LNO), Deb Peters (JRN), Will Pockman (SEV), Ken Ramsey (JRN), Mark Servilla (LNO), Wade Sheldon (GCE), John Vande Castle (LNO), Kristin Vanderbilt (SEV), Bob Waide (LNO), Libe Washburn (SBC)

Spring 2007 Science Council meeting minutes

Minutes of the LTER Science Council Meeting May 19, 2007 Portland, Oregon 1. Welcome and Introductions (Magnuson) The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Chair John Magnuson. Those present are listed at the end of these minutes.

2007.06.25 Executive Board Meeting Notes

Executive board Minutes from May 17, 200. Meeting called to order at 3:15 by Chair Phil Robertson; members present: Peter Groffman, Morgan Grove (joined at 4 pm), Don Henshaw, Sarah Hobbie, Sally Holbrook, Chuck Hopkinson, Sherri Johnson, Berry Lyons, Steve Pennings, Dan Reed, Bob Waide; members absent: none; others present: John Vande Castle.

Network News Vol. 20 No.1 Spring 2007

In this issue: Unique LNO virtual training launches in cyberspace; Post-ASM funding announced; Shortgrass Steppe scientist named fellow of the American Geophysical Union; Cedar Creek study fuels excitement in bioenergy; LNO staff changes; transition—Bruce Lee Haines passes on; Santa Barbara Coastal’s Stu Levenbach received John A.

2007.05.17 Executive Board Meeting Notes

Minutes of the LTER Executive Board Meeting – May 17, 2007 Portland, Oregon 1. Meeting was called to order by Chair John Magnuson at 4:00 pm; members present: John Magnuson, Scott Collins, Peter Groffman, Morgan Grove, Donald Henshaw, Charles Hopkinson, Sherri Johnson, Berry Lyons, John Magnuson, Mark Ohman, Debra Peters, Dan Reed, Phil Robertson, and Bob Waide; members absent: none. Also present: Henry Gholz (NSF), Ted Gragson (CWT), Corinna Gries (IMC), Sally Holbrook (MCR), Peter Prescott (OUP).

Bibliography Identifier RFC

This is RFC #1 from the LNO NIS group regarding the inclusion of a unique identifer in bibliography entries to enable updating and linking of bibliography entries. (2005)

EML Data Provenance RFC

This RFC #2 from the LNO NIS group regarding using EML for data provenance in the Trends Project. (2006)

Data Access Policy Implementation RFC

This RFC#3 from Network Information System Group at LNO regarding the implementation of the LTER Network data access policy. (2007)