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The Influence of Precipitation Variability on Diversity and Composition of North American Grasslands

Overview: We propose to organize a working group that will analyze and synthesize long-term data on the relationship between precipitation variability and the structure of North American (NA) grassland plant communities. This project will build on prior LTER-related synthetic efforts that have evaluated the response of aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) to precipitation variability [1-2]… Read more »

Cross-Site Synthesis between CCE, MCR and SBC: Working group to develop comparative regional ocean modeling effort

We propose a new synthesis effort between the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) LTER, the Mo’orea Coral Reef (MCR) LTER and the Santa Barbara Channel (SBC) LTER to incorporate regional modeling of physical processes around islands in both the tropical Pacific and California Current regions. While these LTERs are focused on two vastly different oceanic regions,… Read more »

Developing Protocols for Cross-Site Research on Local Ecological Knowledge and Social-Ecological Systems

The Maps and Local (MALS) project is a collaborative effort to develop common methods for research on social-ecological systems at the LTER network scale. ( Eleven sites have been funded to participate in MALS under the social science supplement for 2009-2010 and 2010-2011; another four sites are participating using other resources. Ten sites have completed… Read more »

Drupal Environmental Information Management System workshop: Data applications

Our multi-institutional, multi-site group mission is to enable data integration and information synthesis from the foundations of the ecological community, at the minimal organizational level (site, field station), with scalability options (up to national clearinghouse)

The influence of changes in terrestrial plant community structure on aquatic ecosystem function across the LTER network

Synthesis Riparian zones help maintain regional biodiversity,4 and we hypothesize that alterations to these ecotones could have large impacts on aquatic ecosystem function. Two examples from LTER sites illustrate this hypothesis. Current declines in eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) resulting from woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) infestations are altering riparian tree community composition5 and ecosystem function6 in… Read more »