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From Molecules to Metadata: MIRADA LTERS Follow-up Working Group Meeting

MIRADA-LTERS is an NSF-funded cross-site comparative microbial inventory project that seeks to document, describe and discover baseline and novel diversity in the bacterial, archaeal and eukaryal domains of life across 13 of the aquatic LTER sites. We request funds to bring 10 data managers/collaborators together to attend a 2 day workshop in Woods Hole sometime… Read more »

Soil Organic Matter Dynamics: A Cross-Ecosystem Approach

I would like to propose a 2-day meeting in 2010 bringing together scientists from any and all LTER sites interested in comparative soil organic matter analysis. One day would be devoted entirely to planning cross-site comparative analyses and potential publications, and the other day would be devoted to discussions of the various tools and techniques… Read more »

An LTER Unit Registry: In Support of Data Integration

The goal of the Unit Working Group is development of an LTER Unit Registry and a Dictionary as a community resource package using a process that incorporates site engagement and development through use.

The Impacts of Within Season Rainfall Variability Across Ecosystems

We propose to use existing LTER data to create a synthesis paper addressing how intra-annual rainfall variability affects productivity and relative abundance of plant species in communities across the range of ecosystems in the LTER.

Facilitating cross-synthesis research

An effort to overhaul local management informatics systems with robust content management solutions, the proposed  workshop will be an opportunity to further advance towards synthesis products based on the conceptual PASTA framework, where the information moves from heterogeneous, diverse forms to a unified, usable framework, with the advantage of the lower cost associated with this… Read more »