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PhD Position in Forest Hydrology, Andrews Forest LTER

PhD opportunity to work in NSF funded project on physiographic characteristics that govern the temporal-spatial variability of rainfall-runoff generation response in headwater streams including sites at the Andrews Forest LTER. Contact Catalina Segura: Our research is multidisciplinary centered around questions that deal with the interactions among fluvial geomorphology, hydrology, and ecology at multiple scales…. Read more »

NASA-funded postdoctorate in dust emission modeling

The Jornada Experimental Range is seeking applicants for a postdoctoral position with a focus on modeling impacts of drought and land cover change on dust emissions from the western US, and contributing to development of an integrated modeling framework to explore linkages between dust emissions and dust deposition on snow and water resources in the… Read more »

NSF Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

The Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE) offers postdoctoral research fellowships (PRF) to provide opportunities for scientists early in their careers to work within and across traditional disciplinary lines, develop partnerships, and avail themselves of unique research resources, sites and facilities. The fellowship program is intended to provide beginning investigators of significant potential with experiences that… Read more »

Databits: LTER Site Bytes 2020 Coastal Edition

Each year, the LTER Information Management (IM) committee gathers updates from sites across the network related to IM system and personnel changes over the past year, compiling them into a series of ‘Site Bytes’, or site summaries. This November, the first 2020 Site Bytes that started rolling into the editors’ (virtual) office were all from… Read more »