
Whitford, W. G.;Alkon, P.;Smith, W.E.;Van Zee, J.W. 1997. Desertification and biodiversity : Abstract 44. bibliography/601.pdf.
Winder, J.;Herrick, J.E.;Fredrickson, E.L.;Havstad, K.M.;Barrow, J.R. 1997. Development of arid rangeland remediation approaches: community participation in research : Abstract 79.
Alkon, P.U.;Whitford, W. G. 1997. Effects of grazing, shrub removal, and drought on Chihuahuan Desert rodent communities : 12.
Monger, H. C.;Huenneke, L. F.;Havstad, K.M. 1997. Geomorphic-vegetation relationships in the Jornada Basin, southern New Mexico : Abstract 20.
Van Zee, J.W.;de Soyza, A.G.;Whitford, W. G. 1997. Responses of Chihuahuan Desert annual plant communities to desertification and exposure to varying grazing stress. : 23. bibliography/598.pdf.
Coffin, D.P.;Herrick, J.E. 1998. Lagtimes in shifts of ecosystem boundaries in response to climate change: Importance of plant recruitment and soil development constraints 79: 45.
Kroel-Dulay, G.;Hochstrasser, T.;Coffin, D.P.;Gosz, J.R. 1998. Plant species diversity along a climatic gradient in the southwestern US 79: 185.
Herrick, J.E.;Whitford, W. G. 1998. Role of ants and termites in improving soil water infiltration : 54.
Gutierrez Luna, R.;Herrick, J.E.;Donart, G. 1998. Simple method for reseeding of rills in degraded rangeland
Walton, M.;Herrick, J.E.;Gibbens, R.P. 1998. Assessment of soil and vegetation resource redistribution 20 years after the construction of a Chihuahuan Desert water catchment 51: Abstract 56. bibliography/638.pdf.
Lane, D.R.;Coffin, D.P.;Lauenroth, W.K. 1998. Changes in grassland canopy structure across a productivity gradient 79: 186.
Hyder, P.W.;Fredrickson, E.L.;Estell, R.E.;Havstad, K.M.;Remmenga, M.D. 1998. Computerized technique for the assessment of plant utilization by herbivores 51: Abstract 34.
Fredrickson, E.L.;Hyder, P.W.;Tellez, M.R.;Estell, R.E. 1998. Concentrations and distributions of nordihydroguaiaretic acid, total phenolics and condensed tannins in creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) 51: 29.
Havstad, K.M.;Whitford, W. G.;Gibbens, R.P.;Lenz, J M.;Van Zee, J.W.;de Soyza, A.G. 1998. Desert vegetation responses to natural and anthropomorphic stressors : No. 7.
Flores, M.A.;Fredrickson, E.L.;Peiper, R.D.;Murray, L.W. 1998. Dispersal of Lehmann lovegrass by sheep : 38.
Herrick, J.E.;Royo, M.;Baez, A.;Melgoza, A.;Huenneke, L. F.;Van Zee, J.W.;de Soyza, A.G.;Whitford, W. G.;Havstad, K.M. 1998. Incorporation of soil quality indicators into rangeland monitoring programs in Mexico and the US : 212-213.
Monger, H. C.;Herrick, J.E. 1998. Managing rangeland soils for C sequestration : 265-266. bibliography/628.pdf.
Goslee, S.C.;Peters, D.C.;Beck, K.G. 1999. Invasion of grasslands by exotic perennial weeds: Allelopathy and soil texture effects 80: 94.
Rayson, G.D.;Danielson, T.L.;Anderson, D.M.;Estell, R.E.;Fredrickson, E.L.;Havstad, K.M. 1999. Multidimensional fluorescence for the investigation of dietary habits of free-ranging herbivores : No. 634.
Hochstrasser, T.;Peters, D.C. 1999. Decomposing the complexity of species coexistence patterns: an example from a semiarid grassland-shrubland transition zone I (A-K): 67.