
Bernal, S.;Hedin, L. O.;Likens, G. E.;Gerber, S.;Buso, D. C. 2012. Complex response of the forest nitrogen cycle to climate change 109 (9): 3406-3411.
Blum, J. D.;Hamburg, S. P.;Yanai, R. D.;Arthur, M. A. 2012. Determination of foliar Ca/Sr discrimination factors for six tree species and implications for Ca sources in northern hardwood forests. 356: 303-314.
Cho, Y.;Driscoll, C. T.;Johnson, C. E.;Blum, J. D.;Fahey, T. J. 2012. Watershed-Level Responses to Calcium Silicate Treatment in a Northern Hardwood Forest 15 (3): 416-434.
Comerford, D. P.;Schaberg, P. G.;Templer, P. H.;Socci, A. M.;Campbell, J. L.;Wallin, K. F. 2012. Influence of experimental snow removal on root and canopy physiology of sugar maple trees in a northern hardwood forest 171 (1): 261-269.
Kang, P.-G.;Mayer, B.;Mitchell, M. J. 2012. Comparison of sample preparation methods for stable isotope analysis of dissolved sulphate in forested watersheds 48 (3): 410-420.
Driscoll, C. T.;Lambert, K. F.;Chapin, F. S.;Nowak, D. J.;Spies, T. A.;Swanson, F. J.;Kittredge, D. B.;Hart, C. M. 2012. Science and society: The role of long-term studies in environmental stewardship 62 (4): 354-366.
Durán, J.;Morse, J. L.;Groffman, P. M. 2012. Comparison of in situ methods to measure N mineralization rates in forest soils 46: 145-147.
Fountain, A. G.;Campbell, J. L.;Schuur, E. A. G.;Stammerjohn, S. E.;Williams, M. W.;Ducklow, H. W. 2012. The Disappearing Cryosphere: Impacts and Ecosystem Responses to Rapid Cryosphere Loss 62: 405-415. ://WOS:000302927600011.
Groffman, Peter M.;Rustad, Lindsey E.;Templer, Pamela H.;Campbell, John L.;Christenson, Lynn M.;Lany, Nina K.;Socci, Anne M.;Vadeboncoeur, Matthew A.;Schaberg, Paul G.;Wilson, Geoffrey F.;Driscoll, Charles T.;Fahey, Timothy J.;Fisk, Melany C.;Goodale, Christine L.;Green, Mark B.;Hamburg, Steven P.;Johnson, Chris E.;Mitchell, Myron J.;Morse, Jennifer L.;Pardo, Linda H.;Rodenhouse, Nicholas L. 2012. Long-Term Integrated Studies Show Complex and Surprising Effects of Climate Change in the Northern Hardwood Forest 62 (12): 1056-1066.
Groffman, P. M. 2012. Terrestrial denitrification: challenges and opportunities 1 (1): 11.
Hamburg, S. P.;Vadeboncoeur, M. A.;Richardson, A. D.;Bailey, A. S. 2012. Climate change at the ecosystem scale: A 50-year record in New Hampshire
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Cleavitt, N. L.;Fahey, T. J.;Battles, J. J. 2011. Regeneration ecology of sugar maple (Acer saccharum): seedling survival in relation to nutrition, site factors, and damage by insects and pathogens 41 (2): 235-244.
Driscoll, Charles T.;Lambert, Kathy Fallon;Weathers, Kathleen C. 2011. Integrating Science and Policy: A Case Study of the Hubbard Brook Research Foundation Science Links Program 61 (10): 791-801.
Fahey, T. J.;Blum, J. D. 2011. Litter layers (O-ie) as a calcium source of sugar maple seedlings in a northern hardwood forest 41 (4): 898-901.
Fatemi, F. R.;Yanai, R. D.;Hamburg, S. P.;Vadeboncoeur, M. A.;Arthur, M. A.;Briggs, R. D.;Levine, C. R. 2011. Allometric equations for young northern hardwoods: the importance of age-specific equations for estimating aboveground biomass 41 (4): 881-891.
Fisk, M. C.;Fahey, T. J.;Sobieraj, J. H.;Staniec, A. C.;Crist, T. O. 2011. Rhizosphere disturbance influences fungal colonization and community development on dead fine roots 341: 279-293.
Fuss, C. B.;Driscoll, C. T.;Johnson, C. E.;Petras, R. J.;Fahey, T. J. 2011. Dynamics of oxidized and reduced iron in a northern hardwood forest 104 (1-3): 103-119.
Groffman, P. M.;Fisk, M. C. 2011. Calcium constrains plant control over forest ecosystem nitrogen cycling 92 (11): 2035-2042. ://WOS:000296426000004.
Groffman, P. M.;Fisk, M. C. 2011. Phosphate additions have no effect on microbial biomass and activity in a northern hardwood forest 43 (12): 2441-2449.