
Douglass, J.E., Swank, W.T. 1983. Effects of acid precipitation on nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems of southern Appalachian and Piedmont watersheds (Task Force project T-20)
Abbott, D. T., and D. A. Crossley, Jr. 1982. Woody litter decomposition following clear-cutting.
Fitzgerald, J. W., T. C. Strickland, and W. T. Swank 1982. Metabolic fate of inorganic sulfate in soil samples from undisturbed and managed forest ecosystems.
Haines, B. L., J. B. Waide, and R. L. Todd 1982. Soil solution nutrient concentrations sampled with tension and zero-tension lysimeters: report of discrepancies.
Harshbarger, T. J., and P. E. Porter 1982. Effects of a dam and sewage outflow on a small oligotrophic stream in the Southern Appalachians. Note SE-308. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Asheville, NC. 10p.: .
Harshbarger, T. J., and P. E. Porter 1982. Embryo survival and fry emergence from artificially planted trout eggs: two techniques compared.
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Mayack, D. T., P. Bush, B., D. G. Neary, and J. E. Douglass 1982. Impact of hexazinone on invertebrates after application to forested watersheds
Parker, G. R., and W. T. Swank 1982. Tree species response to clear cutting a Southern Appalachian watershed.
Robinson, V. L., and E. L. Fisher 1982. High-lead yarding costs in the Southern Appalachians.
Ross, D. H., and J. B. Wallace 1982. Factors influencing the longitudinal distribution of larval Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in a Southern Appalachian stream system.
O'Hop, J. and Wallace, J.B. 1983. Invertebrate drift, discharge, and sediment relations in a southern Appalachian headwater stream 98: 71-84..
Johnson, D. W., and D. E. Todd 1983. Relationships among iron, aluminum, carbon, and sulfate in a variety of forest soils.
Kirby, J. M., J. R. Webster, and E. F. Benfield 1983. The role of shredders in detrital dynamics of permanent and temporary streams. D. Fontaine, III and S. M. Bartell, editor. Dynamics of lotic ecosystems. Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Ann Arbor, MI.: .
Kuhlman, E. G. 1983. Effects of hypovirulence in Cryphonectria parasitica and of secondary blight infections on dieback of American Chestnut trees.
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Lindberg, E., R. Turner, and M. Lovett 1983. Mechanisms of the flux of acidic compounds and heavy metals onto receptors in the environment. Acid precipitation – origins and effects: VDI – Berichte 500. Lindau, West Germany. Verlag des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure, Dusseldorf, West Germany.: .
Meyer, J. L., and C. Johnson 1983. The influence of elevated nitrate concentration on rate of leaf decomposition in a stream.
Meyer, J. L., and C. M. Tate 1983. The effects of watershed disturbance on dissolved organic carbon dynamics of a stream.
Neary, D. G., P. B. Bush, and J. E. Douglass 1983. Off-site movement of hexazinone in stormflow and baseflow from forest watersheds.