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Seastedt, T. R. 1984. The role of microarthropods in decomposition and mineralization processes.
Singer, F. J., W. T. Swank, and E. E. C. Clebsch 1984. Effects of wild pig rooting in a deciduous forest.
Sloan, P. G., and I. D. Moore 1984. Modeling subsurface stormflow on steeply sloping forested watersheds.
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Strickland, T. C., J. W. Fitzgerald, and W. T. Swank 1984. Mobilization of recently formed forest soil organic sulfur.
Strickland, T. C., and J. W. Fitzgerald 1984. Formation and mineralization of organic sulfur in forest soils.
Swank, W. T., and W. T. S. Swank 1984. Dynamics of water chemistry in hardwood and pine ecosystems. 1981 August 16-24. Exeter and Huddersfield, UK. Geo Books, Norwich, England.: .
Velbel, M. A. 1985. Geochemical mass balances and weathering rates in forested watersheds of the southern Blue Ridge.
Webster, J. R., E. Blood, S. V. Gregory, M. E. Gurtz, R. E. Sparks, and M. Thurman 1985. Long-term research in stream ecology.
Webster, J. R., and W. T. Swank 1985. Stream research at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory. 1985 August 12-17. Lake Buena Vista, FL. American Society of Civil Engineers, Hydraulics Division, NewYork.: .
Webster, J. R., and W. T. Swank 1985. Within-stream factors affecting nutrient transport from forested and logged watersheds. 1985, May 8-9. Little Rock, AR. University of Arkansas, Department of Forest Resources, Monticello, AR.: .
Davidson, E.A., Strand, M.K., Galloway, L.F. 1985. Evaluation of the Most Probable Number Method for Enumerating Denitrifying Bacteria 49, no. 3, May-June 1985: .
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Boring, L. R., and W. T. Swank 1984. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in regenerating black locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia L.) stands.
Boring, L., and W. Swank 1984. The role of black locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia) in forest succession.
Brannan, J. R., J. A. Reneke, and J. Waide 1984. A diffusion model of forest succession.