
Johnson, D., D. Geisinger, R. Walker, J. Newman, J. Vose, K. Elliott, and T. Ball 1994. Soil pCO_2_, soil respiration, and root activity in CO_2_-fumigated and nitrogen-fertilized ponderosa pine.
Knight, D. H., J. M. Vose, V. C. Baldwin, K. C. Ewel, and K. and Grodzinska 1994. Contrasting patterns in pine forest ecosystems.
Knoepp, J. D., and W. T. Swank 1994. Long-term soil chemistry changes in aggrading forest ecosystems. : .
Laerm, J., W. M. Ford, and D. C. Weinand 1994. Additional records of the pygmy shrew, Sorex hoyi winnemana Preble (insectivora: Soricidae), in Western North Carolina.
McNulty, S., J. Vose, W. Swank, J. Aber, and C. Federer 1994. Regional-scale forest ecosystem modeling: database development, model predictions and validation using a Geographic Information System.
Nihlgard, B. J., W. Swank, and M. Mitchell 1994. Biological Processes and Catchment Studies. Moldan and J. Cerny, editor. Biogeochemistry of small catchment: a tool for environmental research. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) 51. Chichester, U.K..
Nihlgard, B. J., W. T. Swank, and M. J. Mitchell 1994. Small catchment research in the evaluation and development of forest management practices. Moldan and J. Cerny, editor. Biogeochemistry of small catchments: a tool for environmental research. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) 51. Chichester, U.K..
Dlamini, E.T., Williams, A.L., Dashek, W.V., Swank, W.T., Vose, J.M. 1994. Protein contents of ozone- and air-fumigated Pinus strobus needles C. Llewellyn et al.. Plenum Press, New York, 1994: .
Ryan, M., S. Linder, J. Vose, and R. Hubbard 1994. Dark respiration of pines. Bull. (Copenhagen) 43: 50-63.
Stanko-Golden, K., W. Swank, and J. Fitzgerald 1994. Factors affecting sulfate adsorption, organic sulfur formation, and mobilization in forest and grassland spodosols.
Swank, W. T., and J. M. Vose 1994. Long-term hydrologic and stream chemistry responses of southern Appalachian catchments following conversion from mixed hardwoods to white pine. Hydrologie kleiner Einzugsgebiete: Gedenkschrift Hans M. Keller. Beitrage zur Hydrologie der Schweiz 35. Bern, Schweizerische: Schweizerische Gesellschaft fur Hydrologie und Limnologie..
Swank, W. T., S. G. McNulty, and L. W. Swift, Jr. 1994. Opportunities for forest hydrology applications to ecosystem management. Ohta, Y. Fukushima, and M. Suzuki, editor. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Forest Hydrology; 1994 October 24-28; Tokyo, Japan. International Union of Forestry Research Organizations, Organizing committee of the International Symposium: .
Swank, W. T., and P. V. Bolstad 1994. Cummulative effects of land use practices on water quality. Peters, R. Allan, and V. Tsirkunov, editor. Hydrochemistry 1993: Hydrological, chemical and biological processes affecting the transformation and transport of contaminants in aquatic environments: Proceedings of the Rostov-on-don Symposium. IAHS Publication 219. IAHS Press, Oxfordshire, UK..
Vose, J., B. Clinton, and W. Swank 1994. Fire, drought, and forest management influences on pine/hardwood ecosystems in the Southern Appalachians. 02Society of American Foresters Publication, Bethesda, Maryland.: .
Vose, J. M. 1994. Effects of prescribed burning on ecosystem processes and attributes in pine/hardwood forests of the southern Appalachians. Pages 81-90 in Primary Hardwood Processing and Products Work Unit. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Blacksburg, VA.: .
Vose, J., P. Dougherty, J. Long, F. Smith, and H. a. C. Gholz, P. 1994. Factors influencing the amount and distribution of leaf area of pine stands. Bull. (Copenhagen) 43: 102-114.
Chen, T.H. ;Hornberger, G.M. ;Jakeman, A.J. ;Swank, W.T. 1995. The performance of different loss models in the simulation of streamflow. 6: 479-484..
Grossman, Gary D. ;Hill, Jennifer ;Petty, J. Todd. 1995. Observations on habitat structure, population regulation, and habitat use with respect to evolutionarily significant units: a landscape perspective for lotic systems. 17: 381-391..
Johnson, Dale W. ;Swank, Wayne T. ;Vose, James M. 1995. Effects of liming on soils and streamwaters in a deciduous forest: comparison of field results and simulations. 24: 1105-1117..
Knoepp, Jennifer Donaldson ;Swank, Wayne T. 1995. Comparison of available soil nitrogen assays in control and burned forested sites. 59: 1750-1754..