
Joyce, E. M. ;Sillett, T. S. ;Holmes, R. T. 2001. An inexpensive method for quantifying incubation patterns of open-cup nesting birds, with data for Black-throated Blue Warblers 72 (3): 369-379.
Knapp, A. K. ;Smith, M. D. 2001. Variation among biomes in temporal dynamics of aboveground primary production 291: 481-484.
Likens, G. E. 2001. Biogeochemistry, the watershed approach: Some uses and limitations 52 (1): 12-May.
Likens, G. E. ;Butler, T. J. ;Buso, D. C. 2001. Long- and short-term changes in sulfate deposition: Effects of The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments 52 (1): 11-Jan.
Macneale, K. H. ;Peckarsky, B. L. ;Likens, G. E. 2001. Adult feeding by some stonelies (Plecoptera) critical for egg production and dispersal 18 (1): 153.
Marra, P. P. ;Holmes, R. T. 2001. Consequences of dominance-mediated habitat segregation in a migrant passerine bird during the non-breeding season 118 (1): 94-106.
McCutchan, J. H. ;Likens, G. E. ;Kelley, A. M. 2001. The effect of forest age on light availability in small streams 18 (1): 203-204.
McPeek, M. A. ;Rodenhouse, N. L. ;Holmes, R. T. ;Sherry, T. W. 2001. A general model of site-dependent population regulation: population-level regulation without individual-level interactions 94: 417-424.
Mitchell, M. J. 2001. Linkages of nitrate losses in watersheds to hydrological processes 15: 3305-3307.
Mitchell, M. J. ;Mayer, B. ;Bailey, S. W. ;Hornbeck, J. W. ;Alewell, C. ;Driscoll, C. T. ;Likens, G. E. 2001. Use of stable isotope ratios for evaluating sulfur sources and losses at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest 130: 75-86.
Driscoll, C. T. ;Lawrence, G. B. ;Bulger, A. J. ;Butler, T. J. ;Cronan, C. S. ;Eagar, C. ;Lambert, K. Fallon ;Likens, G. E. ;Stoddard, J. L. ;Weathers, K. C. 2001. Acid Rain Revisited: advances in scientific understanding since the passage of the 1970 and 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments 1 (1): 20-Jan.
Driscoll, C. T. ;Lawrence, G. B. ;Bulger, A. J. ;Butler, T. J. ;Cronan, C. S. ;Eagar, C. ;Lambert, K. Fallon ;Likens, G. E. ;Stoddard, J. L. ;Weathers, K. C. 2001. Acidic deposition in the northeastern United States: sources and inputs, ecosystem effects, and management strategies 51 (3): 180-198.
Fisk, M. C. ;Fahey, T. J. 2001. Microbial biomass and nitrogen cycling responses to fertilization and litter removal in young northern hardwood forests 53 (2): 201-223.
Fitzhugh, R. D. ;Driscoll, C. T. ;Groffman, P. M. ;Tierney, G. L. ;Fahey, T. J. ;Hardy, J. P. 2001. Effects of soil freezing disturbance on soil solution nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon chemistry in a northern hardwood ecosystem 56 (2): 215-238.
Gbondo-Tugbawa, S. S. ;Driscoll, C. T. ;Aber, J. D. ;Likens, G. E. 2001. Evaluation of an integrated biogeochemical model (PnET-BGC) at a northern hardwood forest ecosystem 37 (4): 1057-1070.
Groffman, P. M. ;Driscoll, C. T. ;Fahey, T. J. ;Hardy, J. P. ;Fitzhugh, R. D. ;Tierney, G. L. 2001. Colder soils in a warmer world: A snow manipulation study in a northern hardwood forest ecosystem 56 (2): 135-150.
Groffman, P. M. ;Driscoll, C. T. ;Fahey, T. J. ;Hardy, J. P. ;Fitzhugh, R. D. ;Tierney, G. L. 2001. Effects of mild winter freezing on soil nitrogen and carbon dynamics in a northern hardwood forest 56 (2): 191-213.
Hall, R. O. ;Likens, G. E. ;Malcom, H. M. 2001. Trophic basis of invertebrate production in two streams at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest 2093: 432-447.
Hall, R. O. ;Macneale, K. H. ;Bernhardt, E. S. ;Field, M. ;Likens, G. E. 2001. Biogeochemical responses of two forest streams to a two-month calcium addition 46 (3): 291-302.
Hardy, J. P. ;Groffman, P. M. ;Fitzhugh, R. D. ;Henry, K. S. ;Welman, T. A. ;Demers, J. D. ;Fahey, T. J. ;Driscoll, C. T. ;Tierney, G. L. ;Nolan, S. 2001. Snow depth manipulation and its influence on soil frost and water dynamics in a northern hardwood forest 56 (2): 151-174.