
Leetham, JW ;Ferguson, W ;Dodd, JL ;Lauenroth, WK 1982. Design and construction of a simple continuous flow sulfur dioxide exposure chamber 32: 181-182.
Ingham, RE ;Trofymow, JA ;Anderson, RV ;Coleman, DC 1982. Relationships between soil type and soil nematodes in a shortgrass prairie 24: 139-144.
Hays, R ;Reid, CPP ;StJohn, TV ;Coleman, DC 1982. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on blue grama growth and mycorrhizal infection 54: 260-265.
Green, JM ;Williams, GJ 1982. The subdominant status of Echinocereus viridiflorus and Mammillaria vivipara in the shortgrass prairie: The role of temperature and water effects on gas exchange 52: 43-48.
Dodd, JL ;Lauenroth, WK ;Heitschmidt, RK 1982. Effects of controlled SO2 exposure on net primary production and plant biomass dynamics 35: 572-579.
Clark, WH ;Innis, GS 1982. Forage interactions and black-tailed jackrabbit population dynamics: A simulation model 46 (4): 1018-1035.
Capinera, JL ;Sechrist, TS 1982. Grasshopper (Acrididae) – host plant associations: Response of grasshopper populations to cattle grazing intensity 114: 1055-1062.
Ross, CW ;Detling, JK 1983. Investigations of trypsin inhibitors in leaves of four North American prairie grasses 9 (2): 247-257.
Peterson, TC ;Parton, WJ 1983. Diurnal variations of wind speeds at a shortgrass prairie site–A model 28: 365-374.
O'Neill, KM ;Evans, HE 1983. Alternative male mating tactics in Bembecinus quinquespinosus: Correlations with size and color variation 14: 39-46.
Olson, TE ;Braun, CE ;Ryder, RA 1983. Cooing activity and nesting of mourning doves in northeastern Colorado 28 (3): 335-340.
Mosier, AR ;Parton, WJ ;Hutchinsen, GL 1983. Modelling nitrous oxide evolution from cropped and natural soil 35: 229-241.
Morley, CR ;Trofymow, JA ;Coleman, DC ;Cambardella, C 1983. Effects of freeze- thaw stress on bacterial populations in soil microcosms 9: 329-340.
Monson, RK ;Littlejohn, RO ;Williams, GJ 1983. Photosynthetic adaptation to temperature in four species from the Colorado shortgrass steppe: A physiological model for coexistence 58: 43-51.
Milchunas, DG ;Lauenroth, WK ;Dodd, JL 1983. The interaction of atmospheric and soil sulfur on the sulfur and selenium concentration of range plants 72: 117-125.
Menke, JW ;Trlica, MJ 1983. Effects of single and sequential defoliations on the carbohydrate reserve status of four range species 36: 70-74.
Leetham, JW ;Dodd, JL ;Lauenroth, WK 1983. Effects of low-level sulfur dioxide exposure on decomposition of western wheatgrass (Agropyron smithii) litter under laboratory conditions 19: 247-250.
Lauenroth, WK ;Dodd, JL ;Milchunas, DG 1983. Response of a grassland to sulfur and nitrogen additions under controlled SO2 exposure 23: 339-346.
Ingham, RE ;Coleman, DC 1983. Effects of an ectoparasitic nematode on bacterial growth in gnotobiotic soil 41: 227-232.
Elliott, ET ;Cole, CV ;Fairbanks, BC ;Woods, LE ;Bryant, RJ ;Coleman, DC 1983. Short-term bacterial growth, nutrient uptake, and ATP turnover in sterilized, inoculated and C-amended soil: The influence on N availability 15 (1): 85-91.