
Capinera, JL ;Detling, JK ;Parton, WJ 1983. Assessment of range caterpillar (Leipidoptera: Saturniidae) effects with a grassland simulation model 76 (5): 1088-1094.
Bigelow, DS ;Ferguson, WS ;Woodmansee, RG 1983. Second derivative spectroscopy for the determination of volatilized ammonia from urea-amended soil 3: 123-131.
Anderson, RV ;Gould, WD ;Woods, LE ;Cambardella, C ;Ingham, RE ;Coleman, DC 1983. Organic and inorganic nitrogenous losses by microbivorous nematodes in soil 40: 75-80.
Ahmed, J ;Bonham, CD ;Laycock, WA 1983. Comparison of techniques for adjusting biomass estimates by double sampling 36: 217-221.
Woods, LE ;Cole, CV ;Elliott, ET ;Anderson, RV ;Coleman, DC 1982. Nitrogen transformations in soil as affected by bacterial-microfaunal interactions 14: 93-98.
Stidham, MA ;Uribe, EG ;Williams, GJ 1982. Temperature dependence of photosynthesis in Agropyron smithii 69: 929-934.
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Olson, TE ;Braun, CE 1984. Mourning dove nesting and crop gland activity during September in eastern Colorado 48 (3): 1035-1041.
Monson, RK 1984. A field study of photosynthetic temperature acclimation in Carex eleocharis (Bailey) 7: 301-3.
McGinnies, WJ 1984. Chemically thinning blue grama range for increased forage and seed production 36 (6): 798-799.
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Jones, CA ;Sharpley, AN ;Williams, JR 1984. A simplified soil and plant phosphorus model: III. Testing 48 (4): 810-813.
Jones, CA ;Cole, CV ;Sharpley, AN ;Williams, JR 1984. A simplified soil and plant phosphorus model: I. Documentation 48 (4): 800-805.
Fairbanks, BC ;Woods, LE ;Bryant, RJ ;Elliott, ET ;Cole, CV ;Coleman, DC 1984. Limitations of ATP estimates of microbial biomass 16 (6): 549-558.
Bowman, RA ;Mueller, DM ;McGinnies, WJ 1984. Soil-plant factors in early browning of Russian wildrye on natrustoll soils 37 (3): 225-228.
Anderson, RV ;Ingham, RE ;Trofymow, JA ;Coleman, DC 1984. Soil mesofaunal distribution in relation to habitat types in a shortgrass prairie 26: 257-261.
Allen, MF ;Allen, EB ;Stahl, PD 1984. Differential niche response of Bouteloua gracilis and Pascopyrum smithii to VA mycorrhizae 111 (3): 361-365.
Webb, WL ;Lauenroth, WK ;Szarek, SR ;Kinerson, RS 1983. Primary production and abiotic controls in forests, grasslands, and desert ecosystems in the United States 64 (1): 134-151.
VanHaveren, BP 1983. Soil bulk density as influenced by grazing intensity and soil type on a shortgrass prairie site 36 (5): 586-588.
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