
Yatskov, Mikhail ;Harmon, Mark E. ;Krankina, Olga N. 2003. A chronosequence of wood decomposition in the boreal forests of Russia 33: 1211-1226.
Meleason, Mark A. ;Gregory, Stanley V. ;Bolte, John P. 2003. Implications of riparian management strategies on wood in streams of the Pacific Northwest 13 (5): 1212-1221.
Lookingbill, Todd R. ;Urban, Dean L. 2004. An empirical approach towards improved spatial estimates of soil moisture for vegetation analysis 19: 417-433.
Heyborne, William H. ;Miller, Jeffrey C. ;Parsons, Gary L. 2003. Ground dwelling beetles and forest vegetation change over a 17-year-period, in western Oregon, USA 179: 123-134.
Yano, Yuriko ;Lajtha, Kate ;Sollins, Phillip ;Caldwell, Bruce A. 2004. Chemical and seasonal controls on the dynamics of dissolved organic matter in a coniferous old-growth stand in the Pacific Northwest, USA 71: 197-223.
Dunham, Susie M. ;O'Dell, Thomas Edward ;Molina, Randy John 2003. Analysis of nrDNA sequences and microsatellite allele frequencies reveals a cryptic chanterelle species Cantharellus cascadensis sp. nov. from the American Pacific Northwest 107 (10): 1163-1177.
Dunham, Susie M. ;Kretzer, A. ;Pfrender, Michael E. 2003. Characterization of Pacific golden chanterelle (Cantharellus formosus) genet size using co-dominant microsatellite markers 12: 1607-1618.
Spears, Julie D. H. ;Holub, Scott M. ;Harmon, Mark E. ;Lajtha, Kate 2003. The influence of decomposing logs on soil biology and nutrient cycling in an old-growth mixed coniferous forest in Oregon, U.S.A. 33: 2193-2201.
Rich, Jeremy J. ;Heichen, Rachel S. ;Bottomley, P. J. ;Cromack Jr., Kermit ;Myrold, David D. 2003. Community composition and functioning of denitrifying bacteria from adjacent meadow and forest soils 69 (10): 5974-5982.
Lookingbill, Todd R. ;Urban, Dean L. 2003. Spatial estimation of air temperature differences for landscape-scale studies in montane environments 114: 141-151.
Chen, Hua ;Hicks, William T. 2003. High asymbiotic N2 fixation rates in woody roots after six years of decomposition: controls and implications 4: 479-486.
Andréassian, Vazken ;Parent, Eric ;Michel, Claude 2003. A distribution-free test to detect gradual changes in watershed behavior 39 (9): 10-1 to 10-11.
Bond, Barbara J 2003. Hydrology and ecology meet–and the meeting is good 17: 2087-2089.
Pruyn, Michele L. ;Harmon, Mark E. ;Gartner, Barbara L. 2003. Stem respiratory potential in six softwood and four hardwood tree species in the central cascades of Oregon 137: 10-21.
Kratz, Timothy K. ;Deegan, Linda A. ;Harmon, Mark E. ;Lauenroth, William K. 2003. Ecological variability in space and time: insights gained from the US LTER program 53 (1): 57-67.
Greenland, David ;Hayden, Bruce P. ;Magnuson, John J. ;Ollinger, Scott V. ;Pielke Sr., Roger A. ;Smith, Raymond C. 2003. Long-term research on biosphere-atmosphere interactions 53 (1): 33-45.
Stankey, George H. ;Bormann, Bernard T. ;Ryan, Clare ;Shindler, Bruce A. ;Sturtevant, Victoria ;Clark, Roger N. ;Philpot, Charles 2003. Adaptive management and the Northwest Forest Plan: rhetoric and reality 101 (1): 40-46.
Sulzman, Elizabeth W. ;Brant, Justin B. ;Bowden, Richard D. ;Lajtha, Kate 2005. Contribution of aboveground litter, belowground litter, and rhizosphere respiration to total soil CO2 efflux in an old growth coniferous forest 73: 231-256.
Harmon, Mark E. ;Bible, Kenneth J. ;Ryan, M. G. ;Shaw, David Carl ;Chen, Hua ;Klopatek, Jeffrey M. ;Li, Xia 2004. Production, respiration, and overall carbon balance in an old-growth Pseudotsuga-Tsuga forest ecosystem 7: 498-512.
Stephenson, Nathan L. ;van Mantgem, Phillip J. 2005. Forest turnover rates follow global and regional patterns of productivity 8 (5): 524-531.