
Turner, Monica G. ;Collins, Scott L. ;Lugo, Ariel E. ;Magnuson, John J. ;Rupp, T. Scott ;Swanson, Frederick J. 2003. Disturbance dynamics and ecological response: the contribution of long-term ecological research 53 (1): 46-56.
Chen, Hua ;Harmon, Mark E. ;Han-Qin, Tian 2001. Effects of global change on litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems 21 (9): 1549-1563.
Peterson, Bruce J. ;Wollheim, Wilfred M. ;Mulholland, Patrick J. ;Webster, Jackson R. ;Meyer, Judy L. ;Tank, Jennifer L. ;Martí, Eugènia ;Bowden, W. B. ;Valett, H. Maurice ;Hershey, Anne E. ;McDowell, William H. ;Dodds, Walter K. ;Hamilton, Stephen K. ;Gregory, Stanley V. ;Morrall, Donna D. 2001. Control of nitrogen export from watersheds by headwater streams 292: 86-90.
Mulholland, Patrick J. ;Fellows, C. S. ;Tank, Jennifer L. ;Grimm, Nancy B. ;Webster, Jackson R. ;Hamilton, Stephen K. ;Martí, Eugènia ;Ashkenas, Linda R. ;Bowden, W. B. ;Dodds, Walter K. ;McDowell, William H. ;Paul, M. J. ;Peterson, Bruce J. 2001. Inter-biome comparison of factors controlling stream metabolism 46: 1503-1517.
Luce, Charles H. ;Wemple, Beverley C. 2001. Introduction to special issue on hydrologic and geomorphic effects of forest roads 26: 111-113.
Franklin, Jerry F. ;Lindenmayer, David B. ;MacMahon, James A. ;McKee, W. Arthur ;Magnuson, John J. ;Perry, David A. ;Waide, Robert B. ;Foster, David R. 2000. Threads of continuity 1 (1): 8-16.
Cohen, Warren B. ;Spies, Thomas A. ;Alig, Ralph J. ;Oetter, Douglas R. ;Maiersperger, Thomas K. ;Fiorella, Maria R. 2002. Characterizing 23 years (1972-1995) of stand replacement disturbance in western Oregon forests with Landsat imagery 5: 122-137.
Li, Ching Yan In press. Frankia and nodulation of red alder and snowbrush grown
Keyes, C. R. ;Acker, Steven A. ;Greene, Sarah E. 2001. Overstory and shrub influences on seedling recruitment patterns in an old-growth Ponderosa pine stand 75 (3): 204-210.
Means, Joseph E. ;Acker, Steven A. ;Fitt, Brandon J. ;Renslow, Michael ;Emerson, Lisa ;Hendrix, Chad J. 2000. Predicting forest stand characteristics with airborne scanning lidar 66 (11): 1367-1371.
Thomas, Robert B. ;Megahan, Walter F. 2001. Reply to 'Comment on 'Peak flow responses to clear-cutting and roads in small and large basins, western Cascades, Oregon: a second opinion' by R.B. Thomas and W.F. Megahan' by J. A. Jones and G. E. Grant 37 (1): 181-183.
Acker, Steven A. ;Halpern, Charles B. ;Harmon, Mark E. ;Dyrness, C. Ted 2002. Trends in bole biomass accumulation, net primary production and tree mortality in Pseudotsuga menziesii forests of contrasting age 22: 213-217.
Tague, Christina L. ;Band, Larry E. 2001. Simulating the impact of road construction and forest harvesting on hydrologic response 26: 135-151.
Hicks, William T. ;Harmon, Mark E. ;Griffiths, Robert P. 2003. Abiotic controls on nitrogen fixation and respiration in selected woody debris from the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A. 10 (1): 66-73.
Hicks, William T. ;Harmon, Mark E. 2002. Diffusion and seasonal dynamics of O2 in woody debris from the Pacific Northwest, USA 243: 67-79.
Hicks, William T. ;Harmon, Mark E. ;Myrold, David D. 2003. Substrate controls on nitrogen fixation and respiration in woody debris from the Pacific Northwest, USA 176: 25-35.
Janisch, Jack E. ;Harmon, Mark E. 2002. Successional changes in live and dead wood carbon stores: implications for net ecosystem productivity 22: 77-89.
Pacala, S. W. ;Hurtt, G. C. ;Baker, David C. ;Peylin, P. ;Houghton, R. A. ;Birdsey, R. A. ;Heath, L. ;Sundquist, E. T. ;Stallard, R. F. ;Ciais, P. ;Moorcroft, P. ;Caspersen, J. P. ;Shevliakova, E. ;Moore, B. ;Kohlmaier, G. ;Holland, Elisabeth A. ;Gloor, M. ;Harmon, Mark E. ;Fan, S. M. ;Sarmiento, J. L. ;Goodale, C. L. ;Schimel, David S. ;Field, C. B. 2001. Consistent land- and atmosphere-based U.S. carbon sink estimates 292: 2316-2320.
Pruyn, Michele L. ;Gartner, Barbara L. ;Harmon, Mark E. 2002. Respiratory potential in sapwood of old versus young Ponderosa pine trees in the Pacific Northwest 22: 105-116.
Smithwick, Erica A. H. ;Harmon, Mark E. ;Remillard, Suzanne M. ;Acker, Steven A. ;Franklin, Jerry F. 2002. Potential upper bounds of carbon stores in forests of the Pacific Northwest 12 (5): 1303-1317.