
Perry, David A. 1998. The scientific basis of forestry 29: 435-466.
Turner, David P. ;Cohen, Warren B. ;Kennedy, Robert E. 2000. Alternative spatial resolutions and estimation of carbon flux over a managed forest landscape in western Oregon 15: 441-452.
Halaj, Juraj ;Ross, Darrell W. ;Moldenke, Andrew R. 1998. Habitat structure and prey availability as predictors of the abundance and community organization of spiders in western Oregon forest canopies 26: 203-220.
Powers, Jennifer Sarah ;Sollins, Phillip ;Harmon, Mark E. ;Jones, Julia A. 1999. Plant-pest interactions in time and space: a Douglas-fir bark beetle outbreak as a case study 14: 105-120.
Franklin, Jerry F. 1998. The natural, the clearcut, and the future 72 (2): 134-138.
Melack, John M. ;Dozier, Jeff ;Goldman, Charles R. ;Greenland, David ;Milner, Alexander M. ;Naiman, Robert J. 1997. Effects of climate change on inland waters of the Pacific Coastal Mountains and Western Great Basin of North America 11: 971-992.
Parendes, Laurie A. ;Jones, Julia A. 2000. Role of light availability and dispersal in exotic plant invasion along roads and streams in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon 14 (1): 64-75.
Hope, Sharon M. ;Li, Ching Yan 1997. Respiration, nitrogen fixation, and mineralizable nitrogen spatial and temporal patterns within two Oregon Douglas-fir stands 27: 501-509.
Acker, Steven A. ;Zenner, Eric K. ;Emmingham, William H. 1998. Structure and yield of two-aged stands on the Willamette National Forest, Oregon: implications for green tree retention 28 (5): 749-758.
Rasmussen, Mary C. ;Ripple, William J. 1998. Retrospective analysis of forest landscape patterns in western Oregon 18 (2): 151-163.
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Means, Joseph E. ;Acker, Steven A. ;Harding, David J. ;Blair, J. Bryan ;Lefsky, Michael A. ;Cohen, Warren B. ;Harmon, Mark E. ;McKee, W. Arthur 1999. Use of large-footprint scanning airborne lidar to estimate forest stand characteristics in the western Cascades of Oregon 67: 298-308.
Hart, Stephen C. ;Sollins, Phillip 1998. Soil carbon and nitrogen pools and processes in an old-growth conifer forest 13 years after trenching 28 (8): 1261-1265.
Hart, Stephen C. ;Perry, David A. 1999. Transferring soils from high- to low-elevation forests increases nitrogen cycling rates: climate change implications 5: 23-32.
Grant, Gordon E. 1997. Dynamics and geomorphology of mountain rivers [Book review] 16: 719-720.
Peck, JeriLynn Eloise ;McCune, Bruce P. 1997. Remnant trees and canopy lichen communities in western Oregon: a retrospective approach 7 (4): 1181-1187.
Landres, Peter B. ;Morgan, Penelope ;Swanson, Frederick J. 1999. Overview of the use of natural variability concepts in managing ecological systems 9 (4): 1179-1188.
Cissel, John H. ;Swanson, Frederick J. ;Weisberg, Peter J. 1999. Landscape management using historical fire regimes: Blue River, Oregon 9 (4): 1217-1231.