
Carpenter, Charles C. ;Gillingham, James C. ;Murphy, James B. ;Mitchell, Lyndon A. 1976. A further analysis of the combat ritual of the pygmy mulga monitor, Varanus gilleni (Reptilia:Varanidae). 32 (1): 35-40.
Carpenter, Charles C. ;Grubitz III, Gene 1961. Dominance shifts in the tree lizard (Urosaurus ornatus-Iguanidae). 5 (3): 123-128.
Carpenter, Charles C. ;Grubitz III, Gene 1961. Time-motion study of a lizard. 42 (1): 199-200.
Carpenter, Charles C. ;Murphy, J.B. 1978. Aggressive behavior in the Fiji Island lizard Brachylophus faasciatus. 12 (2): 251-252.
Carpenter, Charles C. ;Murphy, J.B. 1978. Tongue display of the common bluetongue (Tiliqua scincoides) (Reptilia, Lacertilia, Scincidae). 12 (3): 428-429.
Carpenter, Charles C. ;Murphy, J.B. ;Carpenter, G.C. 1978. Tail luring in the death adder, Acanthophis antarcticus (Reptilia, Serpentes, Elapidae). 12 (4): 572-575.
Carpenter, Charles C. ;Yoshida, Julia E. 1966. Predations on lizards by Callisoma (Coleoptera). 11 (3): 413-414.
Carpenter, Charles C. ;Yoshida, Julia E. 1967. One-egg twins in Agama agama. 23 (1): 57-59.
Carpenter, F. L. 1978. A spectrum of nectar-eater communities 18: 809-819.
Carpenter, F. L. 1979. Competition between hummingbirds and insects for nectar 19: 1105-1114.
Carpenter, F. L. 1980. Pollination energetics in avian communities: simple concepts and complex realities 6 (5): 4-5.
Carpenter, Charles C. 1977. Book review: Edward H. Taylor: Recollections of a Herpetologis by E.H. Taylor, A.B. Leonard, H.B. Smith; G.R. Pisani, Monog. #4, Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas. 1977 (4): 800-801.
Carpenter, Charles C. 1978. Comparative display behavior in the genus Sceloporus (Iguanidae). 18: 1-71.
Carpenter, Charles C. 1978. Combat bouts with spur use in the Madagascan boa (Sanzinia madagascariensis). 34 (2): 207-212.
Carpenter, Charles C. 1978. Book Review: North American Herpetology by John Edward Holbrook. Misc. Publ.: Facsimile Reprints Soc. Study 1978 (1): 192-193.
Carpenter, Charles C. 1978. 7-footed barred tiger salamander. 3 (4): 65- 67.
Carpenter, Charles C. 1979. A combat ritual between two male pygmy rattlesnakes (Sistrutus miliarius). 1979 (4): 638-642.
Carpenter, Charles C. 1980. Further distribution records for Oklahoma reptiles. 4 (4): 66-69.
Carpenter, Charles C. 1983. Communication signals in lizards. 45 (6): 306- 309, 342.
Carpenter, Charles C. 1984. Dominance in snakes in Vertebrate Ecology and Systematics: A Tribute to Henry S. Fitch. (eds. R.A. Siegel, L.E. Hunt, J.L. Knight, L. Malaret, and N.L. Zuschlag (10): 195-202.