
Mong, T.W. 2005. Using radio-telemetry to determine range and resourcerequirements of Upland Sandpipers at an experimentally managed prairielandscape
Reed, H. 2005. Effects of fire and plant invasion on aspects of aboveground and belowground interactions in an eastern tallgrass prairie : 1 -172.
Rehmeier, R. L. 2005. Factors influencing nightly activity of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) in tallgrass prairie : 1 -205.
Watson, G. 2005. Soil biotic interactions and carbon dynamics : 1 -.
Wilgers, D.J. 2005. Impacts of land management practices on tallgrassprairie herpetofauna : 1 -105.
Wilson, K.C. 2005. Hyporheic oxygen flux and substratum spatial heterogeneity: effects on whole-stream dynamics : 1 -65.
Carson, M. 2013. Responses to long-term fertilization and burning: impacts on nutrient dynamics and microbial composition in a tallgrass prairie
Carter, D. 2013. Grassland restoration in a changing world: consequences of practices and variable environments
Jackson, K. E. 2013. Influences of patch-burn grazing and riparian protection on the ecological integrity of tallgrass prairie headwater streams
Klopf, R.P. 2013. Community and ecosystem changes in tallgrass prairie restorations: the effects of population source and diversity
Vanderweide, B. 2013. Grazing and drought in tallgrass prairie: the role of belowground bud banks in vegetation dynamics
West, R. 2012. Bud bank demography: Density of native grass meristems as a predictor of rangeland invasibility
Avolio, M.L. 2012. Genetic diversity of Andropogon gerardii: Impacts of altered precipitation patterns on a dominant species : 1 -258.
Chang, C.C. 2012. Dimensions of diversity and their direct and indirect effects on tallgrass prairie ecosystem functioning : 1 -165.
Goad, R.K. 2012. Response of regional sources of tallgrass prairie species to variation in climate and soil microbial communities
Killian, P.D. 2012. Mechanisms driving woody encroachment in the tallgrass prairie: an analysis of fire behavior and physiological integration : 1 -72.
Nukala, L.A. 2012. An iPhone application of Konza Prairie LTER : 1 -47.
Ocheltree, T.W. 2012. Growth and survival during drought: The link between hydraulic architecture and drought tolerance in grasses : 1 -1117.
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