
Oakes, R.M. 2003. Riparian impacts on water quality in eastern Kansas watersheds : 1 -89.
Wilson, G.W.T. 2003. Mycorrhizal symbiosis in the tallgrass prairie: above- and belowground linkages : 1 -211.
Harper, C.W. 2002. Altered rainfall patterns affect belowground ecosystem processes in a tallgrass prairie : 1 -82.
McCarron, J.K. 2002. Ecological interactions between grasses and shrubs in a tallgrass prairie : 1 -111.
McCulley, R.L. 2002. Biogeochemical response of U.S. Great Plains grasslands to regional and interannual variability in precipitation : 1 -151.
Smith, M.D. 2002. Causes and consequences of species invasion and loss: the role of dominant species and diversity in maintaining ecosystem function : 1 -148.
Elder, B. 2001. The effects of fire on life history traits of tallgrass prairie forbs
Kemp, M.J. 2001. Factors Controlling Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Nitrogen Cycling in Tallgrass Prairie Streams : 1 -133.
Lewis, C.N. 2001. Regional diversity of braconid wasps (Braconidae: Hymenoptera) collected from sites in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Kansas : 1 -219.
Matlack, R.S. 2001. Ecology of shrews in tallgrass prairie : 1 -76.
Newcomb, L.C. 2001. Regional diversity of braconid wasps (Braconidae: Hymenoptera) collected from sites in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Kansas : 1 -219.
Smith, D.L. 2001. Changes in soil carbon dynamics during juniper expansion into tallgrass prairie : 1 -137.
Stagliano, D.M. 2001. Aquatic invertebrate and fish communities of tallgrass prairie headwater streams: Bioindicators, secondary production and bioenergetics : 1 -114.
Williams, M.A. 2001. Alterations in carbon and nitrogen cycling in irrigated tallgrass prairie soil : 1 -206.
Wood, H.K. 2001. Seasonality and rates of mineral weathering in karst aquifers at the Konza Prairie : 1 -115.
Baer, S.G. 2001. Changes in ecosystem function and effects of environmental complexity on foristic diversity during tallgrass prairie restoration : 1 -204.
Benson, E. 2001. Effects of fire on tallgrass prairie plant population dynamics : 1 -59.
Bye, S. 2001. Avian response to golf course construction, hiking trails, and roadways in grasslands : 1 -213.
Danner, B.T. 2001. Gallery forest expansion in tallgrass prairie: mechanisms facilitating oak seedling and juvenile success : 1 -75.
Dee, K.T. 2001. Lead contamination and attenuation in a shallow monitoring well, Konza Prairie Long-Term Ecological Research Site, Riley and Geary Counties, KS : 1 -125.