
2012. The coastal boundary layer: patterns, mechanism and ecological effects of decreased alongshore transport
Hondula, Kelly L. 2012. Using multiple stable isotopes including deuterium to trace organic matter in a complex near-shore lagoon : 81.
Hladik, Christine M. 2012. Use of Remote Sensing Data for Evaluating Elevation and Plant Distribution in a Southeastern Salt Marsh : 205.
McFarlin, Caroline R. 2012. Salt Marsh Dieback: The response of Spartina alterniflora to disturbances and the consequences for marsh invertebrates : 238.
Buchan, Alison 2001. Ecology and genetics of aromatic compound degradation in the ecologically important Roseobacter lineage of marine bacteria : 152.
Smith, Carrie Beth 2001. Analysis of historic vegetation changes in two Georgia estuaries using aerial photography and GIS : 93.
Moreta, Justine I. L. 2002. Diversity of laccase gene sequences and contributions of bacteria and ascomycetous fungi to lignocellulose degradation in a southeastern U.S. salt marsh : 64.
Schultz, Gregory M. 2002. Hydrologic and Geophysical Characterization of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Coastal Aquifer Systems : 329.
Snyder, Matthew 2002. Geochemical trends associated with the seawater-freshwater mixing zone in a surficial coastal aquifer, Sapelo Island, GA : 149.
Biers, Erin J. 2003. Microbial Interactions on Decomposing Spartina Alterniflora: Use of Fungally-Modified Leachate by Bacterial Communities in an Experimental Salt Marsh Decomposition System : 144.
Wang, Zhaohui  Jahnke, Richard A. 2003. Biogeochemical Changes of Chemical Signals in the Georgia "Land-To-Ocean Continuum" : 187.
Albers, Gayle 2004. Applications of Island Biogeography: Plant Diversity and Soil Characteristics Among Back-Barrier Islands Near Sapelo Island, Georgia : 113.
McFarlin, Caroline R. 2004. Impact of Fertilization on a Salt Marsh Food Web in Georgia : 127.
Ogburn, Matthew B. 2004. Salt marsh dieback in Georgia: Field survey and transplant experiments : 108.
Richards, Christina L. 2004. Evolution in closely adjacent salt marsh environments : 141.
Salgado, Cristiano S. 2004. Latitudinal variation in palatability of salt marsh plants: Constitutive or induced? : 57.
Thoresen, Merrilee 2004. Temporal and spatial variation in seston available to oysters and the contribution of benthic diatoms to their diet in the Duplin River, Georgia : 220.
White, Susan N. 2004. Spartina species zonation along an estuarine gradient in Georgia: Exploring mechanisms controlling distribution : 206.
Wrona, Amanda B. 2004. Determining movement patterns and habitat use of blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus rathbun) in a Georgia saltmarsh estuary with the use of ultrasonic telemetry and a geographic information system (GIS) : 178.
Velasquez, Liliana E. 2005. The importance of benthic primary production in salt marsh carbon cycles : 90.