
Dittberner, Phillip Lynn 1971. A demographic study of some semidesert grassland plants : 81.
Balding, Fred Raymond 1971. The distribution of shrubs along a soil water potential gradient in a desert arroyo system : 21.
Wahlquist, Brent T. 1971. The effects of soil moisture and soil temperature on decomposition of chitin and chitin containing complexes in soil
Aguirre, Edmundo L. 1971. Effects of watering treatments on emergence of plant species in soil collected from different desert grassland sites : 48.
Gaby, Ronald 1972. Comparative niche utilization by two species of kangaroo rats (Genus Dipodomys) : 71.
Wright, R. G. 1972. A demographic study of a semidesert grassland : 221.
Welsh, Richard G. 1972. Some ecological relationships between creosotebush (Larrea tridentata DC.) and bush muhly (Muhlenbergia porteri Scribn)
Meltzer, Kenneth Howard 1973. Physiological and ecological aspects of aestivation of recently metamorphosed desert anurans
Wooten, R. C. 1973. Physiology of the desert millipede Orthoporus ornatus
Ellstrom, Mark Alan 1973. Populations and trophic structure of a desert grassland invertebrate community : 100.
Russell, John William 1973. Soil-plant-livestock-weather relationships of a range ecosystem: interactive timeshare regression and simulation model approaches : 94.
Hoover, Kenneth Dean 1973. Some ecological factors influencing the distributions of two species of pocket mice (genus Perognathus) : 81.
Neville, Steven Paul 1973. Carcass performance of Brangus, Hereford and reciprocally crossbred steers : 43.
Rosiere, Randy E. 1973. Cattle diets on semidesert grassland : 139.
Alberico, M. S. 1973. Distribution and ecology of two pocket gopher species in south central New Mexico
Wilson, Steven Allen 1973. Endomycorrhizae on desert plants with primary emphasis on Prosopis juliflora
Shafer, Scott Malcolm 1973. An evaluation of feedlot performance of Brangus, Hereford, and reciprocal crossbred steers : 47.
Berhe, Arrefaine 1973. Factors affecting calving interval of Hereford and Santa Gertrudis cows at the Jornada Experimental Range : 64.
Kay, Fenton R. 1974. Influence of the burrow environment on body temperature, oxygen consumption and water loss of the banner-tailed kangaroo rat, Dipodomys spectabilis : 99.
das Neves, Armando Pedreira 1974. Milk production of Hereford cows : 45.