
Coulibaly, Mamadou 1980. Factors effecting production of Brangus under semi-desert conditions : 78.
Suliman, Mustafa Mohamed 1981. Population dynamics of grass-forb complexes on a semidesert range and some demographic aspects of James rushpea (Hoffmanseggia jamesii Torr. and Gray) : 169.
Almeida-Martinez, Manuel Ricardo 1981. Seasonal defoliation and growth responses of Muhlenbergia porteri Scribn. Ex Beal. in pure stands and in association with Larrea tridentata (DC) Coville, with emphasis on structural analysis. : 126.
Hennessy, John Thomas 1981. Soil movement and vegetational changes over a forty-five year period in south-central New Mexico : 108.
Forbes, Gregory S. 1981. Systematic and ecological studies of the Apodemia mormo complex (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) in southern Arizona and southern New Mexico : 83.
Marr, Thomas G. 1981. Breeding and foraging ecology of the Cactus Wren in a variable environment : 79.
Montshiwa, K. Mosana 1981. Environmental factors affecting postweaning growth in hereford cattle : 40.
Williams, Jamie Fred 1981. Feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of Charolais, Hereford and Brangus crossbred cattle : 81.
Tarassoum, T. D. 1982. Some effects of clipping on the developmental morphology of mesa dropseed (Sporobolus flexuosus (Thurb.) Rhyb.) : 69.
Tadingar, Toloumbaye 1982. Utilization of standing crop by cattle under seasonal short duration grazing and seasonal continuous grazing on a semidesert tobosa rangeland : 128.
Guiao, Amadou 1982. Behavior, nutritional status and body weight changes of cattle grazing improved and unimproved semiarid range in southern New Mexico : 76.
Reitzel, James Aron 1982. The effects of brush control on bird populations in a mesquite community : 55.
Osman, Abdelgader A. 1982. Establishment of broom snakeweed (Xanthocephalum sarothrae (Pursh) Shinners) and other species on semidesert grasslands of southern New Mexico : 207.
Elkins, Ned Z. 1983. Potential mediation of subterranean termites in infiltration, runoff, and erosional soil loss on a desert watershed : 137.
Brown, Michael Frederick 1983. Relationship between termites, straw amendment and the growth of Erioneuron pulchellum in a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem : 109.
Roth, Timothy E. 1983. Response of three species of globemallow to germination treatments : 55.
Wofford, Helen Hodge 1983. Use of fecal characteristics to predict intake and diet quality of steers : 83.
Atwood, Terence L. 1983. Ecology of a sand sage community in southern New Mexico : 71.
Molinero, Hugo Bruno 1983. Examination of field techniques for the estimation of above ground biomass on five Chihuahuan Desert shrub species : 27.
Zimmer, Kevin Jay 1983. The foraging ecology of nesting black-throated sparrows : 52.