
Lajtha, Kate 1986. The biogeochemistry of phosphorous cycling and phosphorous availability in a desert ecosystem
Naranjo, Luis German 1986. Bird distribution and habitat preferences on a Chihuahuan Desert bajada : 58.
Haque, Zahoorul 1986. Changes in vegetation following herbicidal control of honey mesquite (Prosopis juliflora) (Swartz) DC. var. glandulosa (Torrey) Cockerell) in southern New Mexico : 123.
Fatehi, Mohammad 1986. Comparative seasonal food habits of black-tailed jackrabbits and cattle on semidesert rangeland : 68.
Poyga, Dambidie F. 1986. Control of honey mesquite with triclopyr and picloram + clopyralid on the New Mexico State University College Ranch : 55.
Younga, Amade Z. 1986. Development and production of bush muhly (Muhlenbergia porteri (Scribn.) ex Beal.) and sand dropseed (Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) Gray) following herbicidal control of mesquite : 68.
Laribi, Mohamed Mouldi 1986. Dietary botanical composition of goats grazing creosotebush-dominated rangeland : 69.
Price, Andrew Hoyt 1986. The ecology and evolutionary implications of competition and parthenogenesis in Cnemidophorus : 171.
Devine, Donald L. 1987. A tobosa grass-burro grass mosaic community pattern in the northern Chihuahuan desert : 75.
Di Marco, Rudolfo Ruben 1987. Effects of harvest ants, Pogonomyrmex rugosis, nest on soil properties and vegetation in the Chihuahuan Desert : 49.
Atwood, Terence L. 1987. Influence of livestock grazing and protection from livestock grazing on vegetational characteristics of Bouteloua eriopoda rangelands : 155.
Senock, Randall S. 1987. Canopy manipulations, gas exchange and water relations of a perennial bunchgrass : 93.
Solis Ruiz, Ezequiel 1987. Digestibility and intake of diets containing creosotebush by goats : 48.
Lightfoot, David Carleton 1988. Relationships between creosotebush productivity and associated foliage arthropod assemblages : 159.
Herman, Hilary J. 1988. A survey of twenty-four grazed and non-grazed areas in southern New Mexico : 96.
Rouda, Robert Rabih 1988. Effect of protein supplementation on performance, water intake and travel of beef cattle grazing semidesert rangeland in South-central New Mexico : 136.
Cornelius, Joe Malcolm 1988. Fire effects on vegetation of a northern Chihuahuan Desert grassland : 170.
Nakamatsu, Viviana Beatriz 1989. Spatial behavior and diet selection of cattle and bonded and non-bonded small ruminants grazing arid rangeland : 112.
Kone, Daouda 1989. Tiller defoliation of Hilaria mutica (Buckl.) Benth. under seasonal high-density rotation and continuous stocking : 68.
El Shahaby, Ahmed F. 1988. Associative nitrogen fixation with C4 grasses of the northern Chihuahuan Desert : 134.