
Van Vactor, Steven Scott 1989. Hydrologic and edaphic patterns and processes leading to playa flooding : 91.
Chili, P. C. 1989. Individual plant response to grazing treatments on the College Ranch in southern New Mexico
Stephens, Gracelet A. 1989. Response of black grama grass, Bouteloua eriopoda, to water and nitrogen in a northern Chihuahuan Desert grassland : 53.
Wansi, Tchouassi 1989. Botanical content of blacktailed jackrabbit diets on semi-desert rangeland : 84.
Mofarreh, Mohammed Mogbel 1989. A comparison of three different techniques for determining diet composition : 51.
Muldavin, Deborah 1989. Differential biomass allocations of Gutierrezia sarothrae and Gutierrezia microcephala on a Chihuahuan Desert site : 50.
Silva, Solange Inacia 1989. The effects of microarthropods on nitrogen availability within the rhizosphere of Erioneuron pulchellum in a northern Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem : 127.
Saiwana, Lewis L. 1990. Range condition effects of scaled quail in southcentral New Mexico : 114.
Ferrando, Carlos Alberto 1990. Diet botanical composition and fecal chemical indices of cows and steers on semidesert rangleland : 79.
Ballard, R. 1990. Effect of genotype of cow on production and efficiency of beef cattle raised under semidesert, southwest range conditions : 79.
Tembo, Ackim 1990. Influence of watering points and range condition on vegetation of the Chihuahuan desert : 127.
Vera-Cruz, Maria Teresa R. P. 1990. Interception of water by range plants and evaporation from soils in southwest New Mexico : 112.
Briede, Jan-Willem 1990. The physiological ecology of Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Rusby in the Chihuahuan desert of southern New Mexico : 115.
King, D. W. 1991. Seasonal diet quality, intake, and fecal output estimates of steers grazing semidesert rangeland
Schneberger, Al 1990. Botanical diets and dietary overlap of black-tailed jackrabbits and cattle on black grama grassland : 51.
Tejada Velez, Einstein Henry 1990. Brush control and grazing behavior of goats on semidesert mesquite brush dominated rangeland : 106.
Daniel, Alipayou D. 1991. Influence of range condition on density and diet of black-tailed jackrabbits and diet of cattle in southcentral New Mexico : 120.
Morupisi, Carter Nkatla 1991. Postweaning growth and cyclicity of barzona, beefmaster and brangus heifers grazing semidesert rangeland : 46.
Lightfoot, Karen S. 1991. Associations of annual plants and shrubs in the northern Chihuahuan Desert : 75.
Taylor, Stuart A. 1991. Effects of biostimulation and method of development on cyclicity, conception rates and age at calving in beef heifers : 57.