
Jorat, Saeed M. 1991. Evaluation of hydraulic roughness coefficient from field and laboratory data : 147.
Kattnig, Robert M. 1991. Evaluation of range beef cattle production efficiency under semi-desert conditions : 111.
Hollanders, Peter 1992. Waterbalance of a bare soil in an arid environment : 74.
Daggett, Kevin C. 1992. Application of GIS technology to hydrologic modeling of patch dynamics on a small, semi-arid watershed in southern New Mexico : 125.
Mohammad, Ayed Ghaleb 1992. Effects of sex, genetic potential, and season on botanical composition of cattle diets : 88.
Warren, Alan Alden 1993. Longterm mesquite control influences on Chihuahuan desert vegetation : 71.
Beres, Lisa Ann 1993. Response potential of three perennial desert grasses to various disturbances : 94.
Smith, J.N. 1993. Diurnal diet composition and behavior of cattle and sheep on Chihuahuan Desert range PhD: 162.
Walker, Derek A. 1993. Effect of genetic composition of beef cattle on diet selection on southern New Mexico rangeland : 96.
Nsinamwa, Mackenzie 1993. Effects of grazing intensity and season of grazing on cow diets and plant responses on northern Chihuahuan desert : 50.
Rice, Patricia May 1993. Estimating and modelling stemflow and throughfall on creosote (Larrea tridentata) in an arid environment : 43.
Fusco, Michael J. 1993. Grazing influences on watering point vegetation in the Chihuahuan desert : 62.
Smith, Gretchen Tanner 1993. Influence of excellent and good condition Chihuahuan desert range on vegetation, cattle diets, and wildlife populations : 97.
Sanchez, Fernando Clemente 1993. Influences of range condition, cattle, and watering hole distribution on a pronghorn population in southcentral New Mexico : 130.
Martinez-Meza, Ernesto 1994. Stemflow, throughfall, and root water channelization by three arid land shrubs in southern New Mexico : 81.
Encina Rojas, Arnulfo 1995. Detailed soil survey of the Jornada LTER (Long Term Ecological Research) transect vicinity, southern New Mexico
Lassetter, W.L. 1996. Changes in soil labile-C indicated by the ratio of microbial biomass-C to total Organic-C in a semi-arid grassland undergoing desertification : 108.
Hartley, A. E. 1997. Environmental controls on nitrogen cycling in northern Chihuahuan Desert soils : 149.
Hager, Stephen B. 1998. The thermoregulatory and reproductive behavior of the lesser earless lizard, Holbrookia maculata, at White Sands National Monument, New Mexico : 128.
Neave, Melissa 1999. Impact of small mammal disturbances on water and sediment yields in the Jornada Basin, southern New Mexico : 243.