
Breecker, D.O. 2008. Investigating desert soil processes using the stable isotope composition of soil carbon dioxide Ph. D.: .
Kurc, Shirley A. 2006. Dynamics and controls of ecosystem scale water, carbon, and energy cycling at semiarid grassland and shrubland Ph. D.: 169.
Koontz, Terri L. 2005. The effects of herbivores on seed banks in a grassland and shrubland M.S.: .
Koontz, Terri L. 2005. The effects of herbivores on seed banks in a grassland and shrubland M.S.: .
Bryan-Ricketts, Debra 2012. Soil geomorphology of the eastern Sevilleta Long Term Ecological Research Site PhD: 410.
Edelman, Andrew J. 2010. Dispersal, Facilitation, and burrow architecture in banner-tailed kangaroo rats Ph. D.: 107.
Friggens, Megan M. 2010. Fleas, hosts and habitat: What can we predict about the spread of vector-borne zoonotic diseases? Ph. D.: .
von Trapp, K. 2010. Drivers of Residential Lawn Care in Suburban Massachusetts: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Four Massachusetts Towns
Burak, M. 2011. Developing standardized metrics to quantify the temporal distribution of migrating anadromous herring: comparing adult returns across coastal rivers.
Smith, J.M. 2011. Beaver dams maintain native fish biodiversity via altered habitat heterogeneity in a coastal stream network: evaluating gear, quantifying fish assemblages, and testing ecological hypotheses with empirical data.
Morse, N.B. 2010. Impacts of suburbanization on food web stoichiometry of detritus-based streams.
Chaudhury, R. 2011. Developing web-based "Interval, Category, and Transition Application" MS Degree: .
Hamill, T. 2011. Spatial methods to predict land cover MS Degree: .
Rees, D. 2011. Relationship between fine green vegetation and socioeconomic factors MS Degree: .
Uldahl, A.G. 2011. Nitrate reduction processes and plant N status in Spartina alterniflora dominated salt marshes MS Degree: .
Xiang, W. 2011. Comparison of flow matrix and Markov matrix MS Degree: .
Zhang, Y. 2011. Characterizing land changes over several points in time MS Degree: .
Lockfield, K. 2011. Population-level responses of the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, to chronic nutrient enrichment in a New England salt marsh : 75.
Guha, A. 2009. Adapting to Suburbanization-Induced Water Stress in Eastern Massachusetts: Opportunities and Constraints for Integrated Land-Use and Water Resource Management.
Alpern, J. 2010. How to tell when map difference indicates land change MS Degree: .