
Blanchard, S. 2010. Implications of using fine versus coarse spatial resolution data in LUCC MS Degree: .
Grubaugh, C. 2010. Top-down and bottom-up benthic macroinvertebrate communities in salt marsh ditches Bachelor's Degree: .
Hamill, T. 2010. Visualizing and computing land cover proportions Bachelor's Degree, High Honors: .
Nguyen, T. 2010. Sensitivity of land cover analysis to category aggregation MS Degree: .
Shmookler, R. 2010. Modeling water use in the metropolitan area planning council region MS Degree: .
Travis, K. 2010. Developing validation protocols for a water database Bachelor's Degree, High Honors: .
Sarabia, Robin Elizabeth 2012. Spatiotemporal variation in abundance and social structure of bottlenose dolphins in the Florida Coastal Everglades
Yau, A. J.-Y. 2011. Size-Based Approaches to Modeling and Managing Local Populations: A Case Study Using an Artisanal Fishery for Giant Clams, Tridacna maxima. Ph.D.: 138.
Jacobson, L.M. 2011. Coral energetics: the metaboloic responseto resource scarcity and subsequent cost of recovery. M.Sc.: 81.
Seamster, Virginia Ann 2010. Consequences of woody plant encroachment for mammalian predators Ph.D.: .
Hanson, K. 2011. Planktivorous fish link coral reef and oceanic food webs: causes and consequences of landscape-level patterns in fish behavior, diet and growth. Ph.D.: .
Stalker, Jeremy 2008. Hydrological Dynamics Between a Coastal Aquifer and the Adjacent Estuarine System, Biscayne Bay, South Florida
Hoffman, A. 2008. Bioavailability of sediment phosphorus in geochemically contrasting aquatic systems : 234.
Lowry, C. 2008. Controls of groundwater flow in a peat dominated wetland/stream complex, Allequash Wetland, northern Wisconsin : 275.
McClure, Seann D. 2008. Groundwater flow path investigation using stable isotopes of water, dissolved organic carbon, and a groundwater flow and transport model:Allequash Wetland, Vilas County, Wisconsin : 126.
Sprehe, G. M. 2005. Application of phenology to assist in hyperspectral species classification of a northern hardwood forest
Wellington, B. I. 2002. Controls on dissolved organic carbon at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest and its effects on stream acid-base chemistry
Schwarz, P. A. 2001. Spatial patterns of abundance of northern hardwood-conifer tree species in a forested valley in the White Mountains, New Hampshire, USA : 145.
Johnson, M. G. 2009. Mapping road salt discharge from groundwater using hydrogeophysics at Mirror Lake, New Hampshire : 131.
O'Donnell, J. 2010. The Effects of Permafrost Degradation on Soil Carbon Dynamics in Alaska's Boreal Region : 230.