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Delaney, KM 2009. Organic nitrogen and carbon transformations in a stream network of Chesapeake Bay watershed MS: 73.
Arenberg, M 2009. Motivating and sustaining urban ecological stewardship at the neighborhood scale: case studies in three Baltimore neighborhoods Masters: 61.
Lidman, A 2008. Vegetation, neighborhood satisfaction and crime: case studies in Baltimore, MD Masters: 131.
Shields, CA 2007. Export flow distribution and restoration potential of streams along an urban-rural gradient Unpublished Masters of Arts: .
McCarty, E 2007. Green belt planning in Edinburgh and Baltimore: a cross-site comparison MA Geography: 107.
Crawford, B 2007. Carbon dioxide fluxes suburban Baltimore, USA MS: 46.
Wells, J 2006. The historical geography of racial and ethnic access within Baltimore's Carroll Park, 1870-1954 MA Geography: .
Parker, TS 2006. Habitat and landscape characteristics that influence population density and behavior of gray squirrels in urban areas Ph.D.: 1-114.
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Carlson, C 2006. The relationship between breeding bird community structure in urban forest patches and the human-mediated resources in the surrounding residential matrix MS: .
Smith, JM 2005. Influence of channel morphology on riparian vegetation in the Gwynns Falls watershed MS: 24 +.
Tenenbaum, DE 2005. Multi-scale analysis of moisture patterns in urbanizing landscapes Ph.D.: .
Merse, CL 2005. Historical geography of urban forestry and roadside tree planting in Baltimore MS Environmental Studies: 131.
Michaud, M 2005. An analysis of conserved land, green space and neighborhood characteristics in the Baltimore Regions MS: 70.
Park, S 2005. The soil microbial community associated with an invasive plant, Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese knotweed) MS: .
Korth, CA 2005. Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. and the creation of Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park MA Geography: 68.