
Tritton, L. M. 1980. Dead wood in the northern hardwood forest ecosystem : 172.
Wood, T. E. 1980. Biological and chemical control of phosphorus cycling in a northern hardwood forest : 205.
Baldwin, I. T. 1981. Birch bites back: changes in leaf quality of yellow birch in response to damage and drought stress : 45.
Ryan, D. F. 1979. Nutrient resorption for senescing leaves: a mechanism of biogeochemical cycling in a northern hardwood forest ecosystem
Sloane, J. 1979. Nitrogen flux in small mountain streams in New Hampshire : 131.
Whitney, G. G. 1978. A demographic analysis of Rubus idaeus L. and Rubus pubescens Raf. The productive traits and population dynamics of two temporally isolated members of the genus Rubus : 139.
Berger, C. 1979. Population cycling and behavior types in forest tent caterpillars, Malacosoma disstria : 17.
Bicknell, S. H. 1979. Plant succession in a revegetating northern hardwood ecosystem : 218.
Bilby, R. E. 1979. The function and distribution of organic debris dams in forest stream ecosystems : 143.
Fiance, S. B. 1979. Effects of lowered pH on the composition ad structure of stream invertebrate communities : 165.
Meyer, J. L. 1978. Transport and transformation of phosphorus in a stream ecosystem : 226.
Moeller, R. E. 1978. The hydrophytes of Mirror Lake: a study of vegetational structure and seasonal biomass dynamics : 212.
Pacala, S. W. 1978. Activity polymorphisms in Lepidopterous defoliators : 29.
Procter, E. 1978. The adaptive significance of delayed plumage attainment in the American redstarts, Setophaga ruticilla : 43.
Robinson, S. K. 1978. Foraging behavior and competitive interactions of two vireos (Vireo olivaceous and V. philadelphicus) in the Hubbard Brook forest : 70.
Melillo, J. M. 1977. Mineralization of nitrogen in northern hardwood forest ecosystems : 136.
Roskoski, J. P. 1977. Nitrogen fixation in northern hardwood forests : 112.
Bennett, S. H. 1978. Foraging strategies and niche breadth of the American redstart in different competitive environments : 111.
Fiance, S. B. 1977. Distribution and biology of the mayflies and stoneflies of Hubbard Brook, New Hampshire : 149.
Koterba, M. T. 1977. The feasibility of using forest lands for recycling sludge, sludge nutrients in northern New England : 89.