
Everham, E.M. 1996. Hurricane damage and recovery: an empirical and simulation study of vegetation dynamics in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico
Garcia, A.R. 1996. Use of GIS for low flow prediction in humid montane regions in eastern Puerto Rico
Garcia-Montiel, D.C. 1996. Changes in nutrient cycling during tropical deforestation
Gonser, R.A 1996. Phylogeographic variation of the Puerto Rican frog
Gonzalez, G. 1996. Earthworm abundance and distribution pattern in two plant communities within a subtropical wet forest of Puerto Rico
Hammond, E.P. 1996. Regeneration of understory shrubs in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico
Kent, R. 1996. Seedling survival and colonizing vegetation in wetland plots receiving pig wastes in Puerto Rico : 381.
Arnold, A. E. 1996. Influence of micro environment on growth and nutrient dynamics if three herbaceous species in the Bisley Experimental Watersheds of the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico
Bednarek, A. T. 1996. The interactive effects of substratum and shrimp on insect and algal communities in a tropical montane stream : 35.
Clark, J.J. 1996. Effects of land use change on northeastern Puerto Rican rivers
Secrest, M.F. 1995. The impact of Hurricane Hugo on two common tree snails: A long-term study
Doherty, S.J. 1995. EMERGY evaluations of and limits to forest production
Garcia Bermudez, M. A. 1995. The role of elevation and vegetation structure on upland Anolis assemblages in Puerto Rico
Rodriquez-Pedraza, C. D. 1993. Efectos del huracan Hugo sobre plantaciones y bosques secundarios pareados en el Bosque Experimental de Luquillo, Puerto Rico
Whitehill, J. 1993. The aroids of Luquillo forest and their temperature cycles during flowering
Zarin, D. 1993. Nutrient accumulation during succession in subtropical lower montane wet forests, Puerto Rico
Ahearn, L. 1994. Determining the ecosystem attributes of plant diversity in a subtropical forest, Puerto Rico
Cammack, S.E. 1994. Seedling recruitment and growth on hurricane-disturbed plots in a subtropical wet forest in Puerto Rico: the role of abiotic influences in the regeneration niche
Petty, W. H. 1993. Seedling growth and mortality of four shade-tolerant canopy tree species in the rain forest of Puerto Rico following Hurricane Hugo
Silver, W. L. 1992. The effects of small-scale and catastrophic disturbances on carbon and nutrient cycling in a lower montane subtropical wet forest in Puerto Rico