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Schindler, John E. 1994. Groundwater flow and carbon transport in a sandy silicate aquifer : vii, 54.
Shelley, Brian C. L. 1994. Effects of acidification on leaf litter decay and utilization in a Whole-ecosystem experiment
Wynne, Randolph Hamilton 1993. An assessment of the utility of monitoring phenological changes in lake ice as an integrative indicator of regional climate change using the AVHRR : 129.
Arancibia-Avila, Patricia E.. 1994. Physiological ecology of Mougeotia (zygnemataceae) from an experimentally acidified lake : 153.
Cheng, Xiangxue 1994. Numerical analysis of groundwater and lake systems with application to the Trout River basin, Vilas County, Wisconsin : 191.
Fischer, J. 1994. State-structured dynamics of an invertebrate predator : 73.
Asplund, Timothy R. 1993. Patterns and mechanisms of year-to-year variability in winter oxygen depletion rates in ice-covered lakes : 86.
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Klosiewski, S. P. 1991. The role of pumpkinseed sunfish in structuring snail assemblages in northern Wisconsin lakes : 159.
McLain, Ann Shyrock 1991. The invasion of a non-native species into pelagic fish assemblages OR Conceptual and empirical analyses of biological invasion : non-native fish invasion into North Temperature Lakes : 174.