…March 2, 2011. Water Connects All:Climate Change and Mountain Hydrology in a Watershed Context Anne Nolin, Oregon State University and HJ Andrews Long Term Ecological Research Site See also http://intranet2.lternet.edu/node/3397/…
Search Results for: node
Urban Systems & Resilience to Climate Change
…Understanding Climate Change Through Long-Term Ecological Research March 2, 2011. A comparison of environmental governance networks in Baltimore & Seattle Michele Romolini , Baltimore Ecosystem Study LTER See also http://intranet2.lternet.edu/node/3399/…
Pelagic ecosystem responses to climate forcing
…Understanding Climate Change Through Long-Term Ecological Research March 2, 2011. Linear tracking or threshold dynamics? Mark D. Ohman, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego See also http://intranet2.lternet.edu/node/3396/…
2013 LTER mini-symposium to be webcast
…be provided on the page for those who may not. For more information about the LTER mini-symposium please see our earlier story at http://www.lternet.edu/node/64808 or the NSF media advisory at…
Network Office holds workshop on software tools for sensor networks
…will stimulate collaborative efforts to share, adopt or develop common approaches and systems for managing sensor data. A list of the workshop participants, agenda, and presentations are available at http://im.lternet.edu/node/998….
Writing a Data Management Plan for your NSF Proposal
…for your study, the LTER Network operates as a node on the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB) where these data can be independently registered. KNB offers an online repository form…
Using LTER Data
…(BCO-DMO), the Arctic Data Center, the Dryad Digital Repository, and others. The most comprehensive search of public data at this time is available via the DataONE Federation, LTER member node….
Broadcasting Oceanographic Buoy
The MCR LTER Broadcasting Oceanographic Buoy (BOB) deployed off the island of Moorea, French Polynesia, a component of the Moorea Wireless Eco-surveillance Technology Network (WETNet). Moorea is a node in…
Warming Experiment
…of three dominant species, all of which are near their range margins and thus may be particularly susceptible to environmental change. See http://sev.lternet.edu/node/3364. (Photo by Mike Friggens, April 19, 2010)….
Poster Sessions at the 2018 All Scientists Meeting
…which then promotes further grazing. Grasses on grazing lawns were generally characterized by higher leaf:stem ratios, density of belowground buds and tillers, and shorter internode lengths and height, compared to…