Strengthen Mentoring Skills

image of larger figure helping smaller figure up the slope of the LTER network logo

The Entering Mentoring program is an evidence-based mentoring approach specifically tailored to STEMM researchers. The LTER Network is piloting an in-network offering of this workshop series. Why Effective mentorship can set both mentees and mentors up for success, from small projects all the way through careers. Mentors will develop skills for engaging in productive and… Read more »

Shrubs Take Over the Prairie: Cascading Changes Reshape Grassland Water Systems

by Dante Capone, PhD Student at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography and the California Current Ecosystems LTER Invasion of woody shrubs into grasslands disrupts the water cycle, with cascading effects on the ecosystem and conservation. A Prairie Transformed: The Puzzle of Vanishing Water In the tallgrass prairie of Kansas’ Konza Prairie LTER, rain filters through… Read more »

Request for Synthesis Proposals 2025

icon merging several paths, with text: 2025 request for synthesis proposals

The data produced at LTER sites are an extraordinary scientific resource that can inform a wide variety of questions. Among-site comparisons interrogate the generality of effects observed at particular sites. Modeling efforts employ long term observations and experiments to formulate and test rigorous descriptions of theory. Scaling exercises get at the continental or even global… Read more »

Site Exchange Opportunity

LTER colors with graphic of multimple location markers overlayed.

Apply to travel to a different site to pursue comparative research. Deadline: March 28, 2025.

Why Salamanders? A SSALTER Blog Post

So why salamanders? It’s almost always the first question I get when I tell people about my research, says Eric Lyons in this SSALTER Blog post.

Planted prairie strips are safe for native pollinators

Strips of native prairie planted within agricultural monocrops are not an “ecological trap”  for native pollinators, but also do not reduce the runoff of insecticides that may pose a threat.